Patty Jane's House of Curl Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Patty Jane's House of Curl Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Harriet avoid living on the streets in Chapter 16?
(a) By staying at a homeless shelter.
(b) By sleeping in a hotel hallway.
(c) By staying in the church.
(d) By sharing a bed with whatever man offers to buy her drinks.

2. How much money did Reese leave for Harriet?
(a) Ten dollars.
(b) Five dollars.
(c) Three dollars.
(d) Twenty dollars.

3. Who is the first to greet Ione in Chapter 25?
(a) Reese.
(b) Thor.
(c) Patty Jane.
(d) Nora.

4. What is Clyde's last name?
(a) Cobey.
(b) Cherico.
(c) Chuka.
(d) Caffee.

5. Who does Harriet move in with in Chapter 16?
(a) Her elderly aunt.
(b) Reese.
(c) A friend.
(d) Temple Curry.

6. What does Harriet realize when she notices the date on the newspaper in Chapter 17?
(a) She missed Patty Jane's birthday.
(b) The date is the anniversary of Thor's disappearance.
(c) She has been unconscious for three days.
(d) The date should have been her fourteenth wedding anniversary.

7. Where does Patty Jane see her husband's face in Chapter 11?
(a) On cereal boxes.
(b) Amongst a crowd of people.
(c) On a poster.
(d) On the side of a bus.

8. What is Thor building in Chapter 22?
(a) Birdhouses.
(b) Model cars.
(c) Furniture.
(d) Scale models of famous buildings.

9. What state is Harriet in when Patty Jane and Nora check on her in Chapter 25?
(a) Harriet is vomiting.
(b) Harriet is coughing up blood.
(c) Harriet is drunk.
(d) Harriet is unconscious.

10. Why is the House of Curl so busy in Chapter 25?
(a) Because of prom night.
(b) Because of a discount offer.
(c) Because of a big wedding.
(d) Because the shop was featured in the newspaper.

11. How does Nora react to her father's reappearance in Chapter 23?
(a) She throws herself into caring for Thor.
(b) She begins to treat Patty Jane with more respect.
(c) She avoids Thor.
(d) She denies that Thor is actually her father.

12. What is Reese's job?
(a) Hotel manager.
(b) Police officer.
(c) Minister.
(d) Dry cleaner.

13. Who does Harriet see in the bar with the crazy woman in Chapter 21?
(a) Avel.
(b) Nora.
(c) Avel's sister.
(d) Thor.

14. Where does Reese invite Harriet to in Chapter 18?
(a) To an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.
(b) To a movie.
(c) For a picnic.
(d) To a church.

15. How does Temple Curry react when Reese, Clyde, and Harriet arrive at her house in Chapter 22?
(a) She seems to be expecting them.
(b) She doesn't recognize them at all.
(c) She screams at them to go away.
(d) She calls the police.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Patty Jane unhappy with Harriet when she returns home in Chapter 14?

2. Who presents the first lecture at Patty Jane's business?

3. What gift does Ione give Harriet in Chapter 25?

4. Where does Harriet go after the experience on the bus in Chapter 14?

5. Why did Clyde decide to get a job?

(see the answer keys)

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