Pattern Recognition Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pattern Recognition Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Sigil Technologies?
(a) A watermarking company.
(b) Boone's employer.
(c) The Russian connection.
(d) Cayce's next contract.

2. Who does Cayce meet at the coffee shop as directed online?
(a) Bolshoy Kamennii.
(b) Sergei Croisette.
(c) Pavel Zamoskvareche.
(d) Stella Volkova.

3. What does Cayce realize?
(a) She's been bugged.
(b) She's been double crossed.
(c) She's been duped.
(d) She's been drugged.

4. What information does Cayce need from Parkaboy and why?
(a) His real name to arrange for a ticket.
(b) His location and telephone number.
(c) His alternate email address.
(d) His date of birth.

5. What name is attached to the domain of the email Cayce sends her letter of introduction to?
(a) A.P. Nolavok.
(b) P.N. Anakov.
(c) A N. Arakov.
(d) A.N. Polakov.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Cayce see as she is heading into Blue Ant?

2. What does Cayce promise Stella?

3. What does Parkaboy tell Cayce about where Judy is?

4. Who answers the phone when Cayce calls Boone?

5. Of all those searching, who does Cayce believe she can trust with this knowledge of the author and the history of the footage?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is the value of Curta calculators being established?

2. What kind of help is Cayce hoping to get from Ngemi beyond the introduction to Baranov?

3. What is the difference between Cayce's disclosure to Parkaboy, and her disclosure to Boone?

4. What is behind the invitation that Magda gives Cayce for dinner?

5. How does Boone convince Cayce that he is on her side?

6. What does Cayce do when a response to her email comes just a short time later?

7. What does Cayce learn about the Russian connection and who is involved?

8. What does Cayce discover about the email address for the author of the footage?

9. What concern does Parkaboy communicate to Cayce regarding Judy and Taki?

10. Why is Cayce so upset with Boone after the meeting at Blue Ant?

(see the answer keys)

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