Pattern Recognition Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pattern Recognition Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Marina Chtcheglova?
(a) A Russian spy.
(b) Russian intelligence.
(c) Russian liason.
(d) Damien's Russian line producer and girlfriend.

2. What does Cayce see when she turns on the television?
(a) Her favorite movie.
(b) A Footage segment.
(c) An ad featuring Billy Prion.
(d) Dorotea's new logo.

3. What does Dorotea bring to the table in the way of a revised logo, supposedly done by Heinzi in Frankfurt the night before?
(a) An artful display.
(b) A cave man theme.
(c) A clown theme.
(d) An early version of the Michelin man.

4. What is Cayce Pollard's occupation?
(a) She is a dancer.
(b) She is a real estate agent.
(c) She is a self employed 'cool hunter'.
(d) She is a lawyer.

5. Where is the room that Pamela booked for them?
(a) Tokyo Plaza Hotel.
(b) Tokyo Regency.
(c) Tokyo Sheraton.
(d) Tokyo Hyatt.

6. What does he entice her with?
(a) Another job.
(b) A permanent position on salary.
(c) His company.
(d) A paid vacation for vetting the H & P job.

7. Who responds to Keiko first?
(a) Bernard.
(b) Billy.
(c) Takaycuhi.
(d) Helena.

8. What does Cayce have an aversion to?
(a) Public parks.
(b) Sky scrapers.
(c) Any style of recognizable brand.
(d) Public libraries.

9. What does Cayce discover in her hotel room when she goes back?
(a) The two Italians who chased her.
(b) The Rickson's MA-1 jacket she asked for.
(c) A miniature Michelin man.
(d) Parkaboy.

10. What does Boone reveal that Bigend offered him?
(a) A very high commission.
(b) A partnership.
(c) A paid vacation.
(d) A new car.

11. What do Parkaboy and Musashi create?
(a) A message.
(b) A watermark.
(c) A character named Keiko.
(d) A footage segment of their own.

12. Who does she run into, and realizes she has seen several times that day?
(a) Hub.
(b) Bernard.
(c) Boone Chu.
(d) Damien.

13. What items are three men selling from their trunk?
(a) Curta calculators.
(b) Knife sets.
(c) Luggage sets.
(d) Pots and pans.

14. What does Cayce give to Taki that brings tears to his eyes?
(a) An autographed photo of Keiko.
(b) A bottle of wine from Keiko.
(c) A scarf from Keiko.
(d) A note from Keiko.

15. What can she see from her hotel room?
(a) The woods that surround the Imperial Palace.
(b) The entire cityscape.
(c) The airport.
(d) The market.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Cayce have when she wakes up?

2. What do Cayce and Voytek exchange?

3. Where does Cayce normally live?

4. Who does Cayce find Voytek sitting with the next morning?

5. What does Taki do from home?

(see the answer keys)

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