Passing Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 91 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Passing Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 91 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Brian react to Irene's request to take Junior away?
(a) He says he'll think about it.
(b) He agrees with her.
(c) He thinks she's overreacting.
(d) He gets angry and argues.

2. Who are Nella Larsen's parents?
(a) A Dutch man and a West Indian mother.
(b) An English man and a West Indies mother.
(c) A West Indian man and a Dutch mother.
(d) A German man and an African mother.

3. Where does the cab driver take Irene?
(a) The Drayton Hotel.
(b) A diner.
(c) The Carlisle Hotel.
(d) A small cafe.

4. What does Clare express in her note?
(a) She is glad she is married to a white man.
(b) She regrets she is part black.
(c) She wants to leave John.
(d) She wants to return to her race.

5. What do Irene and Brian call their son?
(a) Little Brian.
(b) Junior.
(c) Sonny.
(d) Brian II.

Short Answer Questions

1. When do Irene and Brian discuss their son?

2. When the woman stares at Irene at the hotel, what does Irene fear the woman is thinking about her?

3. Why does Irene want Brian to take Junior away?

4. What invitation does Irene accept from Clare?

5. Where does Irene promise to meet Clare at the next Tuesday?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do Clare and Gertrude fear about each of their pregnancies?

2. How does Irene react to John Bellew's cruel words?

3. How was Clare secretive when she ran into Irene?

4. Who interrupts Irene when she is reading Clare's letter? What did the letter keep her from doing?

5. What does Clare tell Irene in the note she sent to Irene?

6. After Clare and Irene run into each other at the hotel, when do they plan to meet again? How does Irene really feel about seeing her again?

7. What are John Bellew's real feelings about black people?

8. How do Irene and Gertrude feel after they leave the meeting with Clare and John?

9. What are Irene Redfield's recollections as she reads the letter from Clare Kendry?

10. What does Brian tell Irene about someone who can pass for white?

(see the answer keys)

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