Passing Test | Final Test - Easy

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Passing Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 91 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the breaking point in the marriage for Brian?
(a) When he realized he didn't love Irene.
(b) When Irene fell out of love with him.
(c) When he met Clare.
(d) They didn't move to Brazil.

2. Brian thinks that Clare was killed by ______________.
(a) Clare.
(b) John.
(c) Mrs. Freeland.
(d) Gertrude.

3. How does Irene react to her realization that Clare and Brian are involved?
(a) Dazed.
(b) Angry.
(c) Resentful.
(d) Bitter.

4. Who saw Irene push Clare?
(a) John.
(b) Mrs. Freeland.
(c) No one.
(d) Brian.

5. Why is Irene concerned about Clare's frequent visits?
(a) Because she needs to work out things with John.
(b) Because of her feelings on passing.
(c) Because she stays too long.
(d) Because she's attractive.

6. What does John Bellew do when he finds Clare?
(a) He kisses her on the cheek.
(b) He ignores her.
(c) He yells at her.
(d) He hugs her.

7. What did Irene hope to accomplish with Clare gone?
(a) She'd get her life back.
(b) She'd get Brian back.
(c) John might fall in love with her.
(d) She'd have more privacy.

8. What does Irene want to accomplish by telling John the secret?
(a) Get Clare in trouble.
(b) Cause Clare's divorce.
(c) Get Brian in trouble with John.
(d) End Brian's affair with Clare.

9. What is Irene doing when Clare comes to her house?
(a) Still dressing.
(b) Talking to Brian.
(c) Bathing.
(d) Eating.

10. Why is Clare angry with Irene?
(a) For ignoring her.
(b) For not responding soon enough.
(c) For criticizing her husband.
(d) For her angry words in her response.

11. How does Irene plan to keep Clare away from Bryan?
(a) Have her stay while she dresses.
(b) Tell her to go ahead to the party.
(c) Tell her Brian is out.
(d) Ask her to come back later.

12. What does Irene think John will do if she tells him the secret?
(a) He might leave town.
(b) He might divorce or kill Clare.
(c) He might attack Brian.
(d) He might take his kids away from Clare.

13. What does Irene decide to do about Clare's letter?
(a) Call her instead.
(b) Answer it right away.
(c) Not to answer it.
(d) Wait a while and answer later.

14. Who arranged for a ride for Clare?
(a) John.
(b) Wentworth.
(c) Irene.
(d) Brian.

15. Why doesn't Irene get to introduce Clare to Brian?
(a) She's busy dressing.
(b) Brian doesn't want to meet her.
(c) Brian's not there.
(d) She doesn't want them to meet.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom does Clare ask to invite her to the dance?

2. Whom does John Bellew look for at the party?

3. Why does Irene think that it's a bad idea for Irene to go to the dance?

4. What word best describes Irene's feelings about Clare?

5. What is Irene afraid for Wentworth to know?

(see the answer keys)

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