Passing Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 91 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Passing Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 91 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Irene promise to meet Clare at the next Tuesday?
(a) At her office.
(b) At her apartment.
(c) At her mother's house.
(d) At her hotel.

2. Irene recalls a trip to what city?
(a) Philadelphia.
(b) Chicago.
(c) Detroit.
(d) St. Louis.

3. Why is it hard for Irene to resist seeing Clare?
(a) She can't get out of it.
(b) She always keeps her word.
(c) Clare will be upset if she doesn't.
(d) Clare is charming.

4. What does the conflict between Brian and Irene indicate?
(a) Brian is cheating on Irene.
(b) The marriage is doomed.
(c) There is friction in the marriage.
(d) Irene no longer loves Brian.

5. What do Irene and Brian agree on about Clare?
(a) Clare should not be encouraged to return to the black world.
(b) Clare should divorce John.
(c) Clare should be encouraged to return to the black world.
(d) Clare should remain with John.

6. When does this chapter take place?
(a) Two years after her encounter with Clare in Chicago.
(b) Before her meeting with Clare in Chicago.
(c) Right after her encounter with Clare in Chicago.
(d) One year after her meeting with Clare in Chicago.

7. How does Irene respond to Brian?
(a) She thinks he's wrong but she'll go along with him.
(b) She is surprised by his wisdom.
(c) She stomps off.
(d) She agrees with him.

8. Whom is Irene determined not to see again?
(a) Her aunt.
(b) Her boyfriend.
(c) Her father.
(d) Clare Kendry.

9. What do Irene and Brian call their son?
(a) Sonny.
(b) Brian II.
(c) Junior.
(d) Little Brian.

10. Irene thinks the woman who sits near her at the hotel looks _____________.
(a) Beautiful.
(b) Cute.
(c) Attractive.
(d) Homely.

11. Who stares at Irene at the hotel?
(a) The beautiful woman.
(b) The waiter.
(c) The handsome man.
(d) The maitre 'de.

12. What does Brian think is appropriate for Junior to learn?
(a) How to take up for himself.
(b) What the other kids are telling him.
(c) What is taught at his school.
(d) A foreign language.

13. What does Irene think of the couple who sits near her at the hotel?
(a) Mysterious.
(b) Arrogant.
(c) Friendly.
(d) Charming.

14. Why does John Bellew call Clare "nig"?
(a) To insult her.
(b) Her skin turned darker over the year.
(c) He is teasing her.
(d) He is a rude person.

15. Whom does Irene try to ignore?
(a) The handsome man.
(b) The host.
(c) The waiter.
(d) The beautiful blond woman.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Brian have a desire to live?

2. Why does Irene bring up Junior's problems?

3. What does Irene plan to organize for the Negro Welfare League?

4. What has Junior been hearing at school?

5. Where is Irene seated at the hotel?

(see the answer keys)

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