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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Why does Cyril Fielding say that he is in India?
(a) Because he thinks it's the right thing to do.
(b) Because he needed a job.
(c) Because he believes Indians are not qualified for the jobs.
(d) Because he wanted to experience the culture.
2. In regard to the Bridge Party, Nawab Bahudar _____.
(a) Is upset and hurt that the British did not invite more of the Indians.
(b) Says he welcomes and appreciates the gesture of the British.
(c) Says he believes that the party will give him a chance to rise in power.
(d) Is resentful of the empty attempt to pretend an interest in the Indian community.
3. Which of the following is not true about Cyril Fielding?
(a) He feels that the segregationist attitudes of the British leaders here are evidence of stupidity.
(b) He has found that he can be in with the Indians and still be friends with the Englishwomen, but not the Englishmen.
(c) He is over the age of forty, has experienced a lot of life, and is devoted to education.
(d) He has always gotten along with Englishmen, but he does not like these expatriates in Chandrapore.
4. Why does Mrs. Moore come to India?
(a) She comes to visit her sister, who has married an Indian man.
(b) She comes on official business as a liason to the Indians.
(c) She comes as a tourist to see what British India looks like.
(d) She comes to visit her son.
5. Who questions the allegations and insists on talking to Adela?
(a) Mrs. Moore.
(b) Mr. Turton.
(c) Cyril Fielding.
(d) Ronny Heaslop.
Short Answer Questions
1. Nawab Bahadur, a generous and wealthy leader in the Muslim community, discusses the invitation to the Bridge Party with Mahmoud Ali and others. Mahmoud Ali is _____.
2. Who says, "I travel light"?
3. When Dr. Aziz asks Cyril Fielding why he isn't married, what does Fielding say?
4. Who shows up near the caves in a car?
5. Who denies Cyril Fielding a visit with Adela Quested?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why is it significant that Dr. Aziz shows Cyril Fielding a picture of his wife?
2. Describe the Marabar Caves.
3. What does Mrs. Moore notice regarding Ronny Heaslop's response to Cousin Kate?
4. Why is Major Callendar upset at Dr. Aziz?
5. What is the significance of the Mohurram holiday?
6. How do the plans to go to the cave get rekindled?
7. What are Cyril Fielding's opinions of the English occupation?
8. Why is Cyril Fielding unsure about hiring Amritrao?
9. Why is the bridge party organized?
10. Describe the evidence against Dr. Aziz.
This section contains 905 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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