A Passage to India Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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A Passage to India Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Dr. Aziz change his invitation from his house to Marabar Caves?
(a) Because Adela asks him to.
(b) Because Indians cannot have Anglo guests.
(c) Because he thinks it will be more interesting.
(d) Because his home is unfit for visitors.

2. What is the weather like in India?
(a) Rainy and wet.
(b) Mild and comfortable.
(c) Oppressively hot.
(d) Freezing cold.

3. Who tells Cyril Fielding, "you deserted me"?
(a) Dr. Aziz.
(b) Hamidallah.
(c) Professor Godbole.
(d) Adela Quested.

4. Hamidullah is surprised that ______is taking Dr, Aziz's side against his own people.
(a) Cyril Fielding.
(b) Professor Godbole.
(c) Dr. Aziz.
(d) Amritrao.

5. Who points out there are well-qualified Indians for jobs in India?
(a) Adela Quested.
(b) Mrs. Moore.
(c) Cyril Fielding and his friends.
(d) Dr. Aziz and his friends.

6. Adela Quested is thinking of the wedding as she is climbing near the caves. What are her thoughts on the wedding?
(a) She decides she does not love Ronny Heaslop.
(b) She wants to have the wedding in England.
(c) She thinks that the wedding is too soon.
(d) She is excited about the approaching wedding.

7. Who wants to know the facts about the case in Part 2, Chapter 17?
(a) Cyril Fielding.
(b) Mrs. Moore.
(c) Adela Quested.
(d) Ronny Heaslop.

8. Who says, "I believe Dr. Aziz to be innocent"?
(a) Adela Quested.
(b) Ronny Heaslop
(c) Cyril Fielding.
(d) Professor Godbole.

9. What does Cyril Fielding think of Adela Quested's accusations?
(a) He thinks she is purposely trying to bring down Aziz.
(b) He thinks she is a liar.
(c) He thinks they are true.
(d) He thinks that they are not malicious and she is just mistaken.

10. In regard to the Bridge Party, Nawab Bahudar _____.
(a) Is resentful of the empty attempt to pretend an interest in the Indian community.
(b) Is upset and hurt that the British did not invite more of the Indians.
(c) Says he believes that the party will give him a chance to rise in power.
(d) Says he welcomes and appreciates the gesture of the British.

11. After Ronny Heaslop and Mrs. Moore talk about Dr. Aziz, ____.
(a) Ronny Heaslop tells Mrs. Moore to invite Dr. Aziz to the Bridge Party.
(b) Ronny Heaslop decides to warn Adela Questad of the dangers in the mosque.
(c) Mrs. Moore is upset that Dr. Aziz has been misunderstood.
(d) Mrs. Moore immediately tells Adela Questad of their conversation.

12. What does Mrs. Moore hear in the cave?
(a) Echoes.
(b) Voices.
(c) Monkeys.
(d) Footsteps.

13. Dr. Aziz is glad that Adela Quested is ____ because it allows him to enjoy her company.
(a) Plain.
(b) Pretty.
(c) Energetic.
(d) Smart.

14. Who denies Cyril Fielding a visit with Adela Quested?
(a) Dr. Aziz.
(b) Ronny Heaslop.
(c) Major Callendar.
(d) Mr. McBryde.

15. What was in Dr. Aziz's pocket when the police searched him?
(a) Cigarettes.
(b) Field glasses.
(c) Matches.
(d) A watch.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Dr. Aziz borrow Hamidullah's horse?

2. How does Dr. Aziz respond when Adela Quested cannot be found after he leaves the caves?

3. When Ronny Heaslop and Adela Quested return from their trip in the car, they are _____.

4. What does Mr. Turton expect Cyril Fielding to do?

5. Nawab Bahadur offers Adela Quested and Ronny Heaslop a spin in his new car. What happens?

(see the answer keys)

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