A Passage to India Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Passage to India Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 3: Chapter 36.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Hamidullah is surprised that ______is taking Dr, Aziz's side against his own people.
(a) Amritrao.
(b) Dr. Aziz.
(c) Professor Godbole.
(d) Cyril Fielding.

2. Why is Cyril Fielding being sent away in Chapter 31?
(a) To dispell rumors about him.
(b) To get him away from Chandrapore.
(c) To visit Mrs. Moore.
(d) To get him away from Adela Quested.

3. Into whom does Dr. Aziz run on his walk?
(a) Cyril Fielding.
(b) Adela Quested.
(c) Ronny Heaslop.
(d) His wife.

4. Where is Fielding being sent in Chapter 31?
(a) Chandrapore.
(b) Venice.
(c) England.
(d) Mau.

5. What is Cyril Fielding's current occupation in Chapter 32?
(a) Inspecting educational facilities.
(b) Organizing tours of India.
(c) Cleaning houses.
(d) Teaching English.

Short Answer Questions

1. Aziz wants to get away from __________ after the trial.

2. Who questions the allegations and insists on talking to Adela?

3. What do Dr. Aziz and Ralph Moore take to Cyril Fielding on the lake?

4. What does Ronny Heaslop tell Hamidullah and Cyril Fielding when he visits them after Mrs. Moore has left the country?

5. What do the lawyers and Cyril Fielding decide to do regarding Aziz's case?

(see the answer key)

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