Pascali's Island Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pascali's Island Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hogan's wife give Pascali?
(a) A bowl of shelled peas.
(b) A plate of falafiel.
(c) A smile and a hug.
(d) A jar of tomato paste.

2. What does Bowles demand?
(a) For Pascali to be arrested for extortion.
(b) More money.
(c) For Pasha to meet with him instead of Izzet.
(d) The removal of the soldiers from the evacuation site.

3. Where does the person go who Pascali is following?
(a) To Pasha's home.
(b) To the excavation site.
(c) Into a bar called the Agoraki.
(d) To Lydia's home.

4. Why does Pascali think Bowles despises Pascali?
(a) Because Bowles despises everyone on the island except Lydia.
(b) Because Pascali knows Bowles is up to something.
(c) Because within Pascali Bowles sees himself,
(d) Because Pascali wants to be paid for his translation work.

5. How does Pascali see Bowles?
(a) As a dead man.
(b) As a frustrated writer.
(c) As a brilliant archeologist.
(d) As a dreamer and both a victim of his own mind and an exploiter of those ideas.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Pascali think the men he is leading are going to do?

2. What kind of image does Pascali think Bowles projects?

3. What does Pascali figure out about how Bowles will remove the statue from the island?

4. What does Pascali decide to do?

5. About what does Pascali warn Bowles?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do you think is one of the main purposes of this short chapter?

2. What does it suggest to you when Bowles insists on the removal of the soldiers at the evacuation site?

3. When you read that Bowles does not show up at the hotel for his meeting with Izzet, are you surprised?

4. How do you think Pascali's perception of Bowles relationship to Pascali enables Pascali to rationalize his blackmail of Bowles?

5. What do you think is a possible instance of foreshadowing in this section?

6. Why do you think Pascali continues to let Bowles dictate the terms of their interaction?

7. Summarize the interaction between Pascali and Bowles just before Pascali leaves the evacuation site and explain if you think Pascali intends to follow through on the agreement with Bowles.

8. Explain what Pascali has figured out and how Bowles fits into the picture.

9. How does the symbolism in this section express the duality of the natures of both Bowles and Pascali?

10. Why do you think Pascali blends reality and illusion to create realism in imaginary settings?

(see the answer keys)

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