Pascali's Island Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pascali's Island Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose name is spoken softly to Pasha?
(a) Bowles.
(b) Gesing.
(c) Smith.
(d) Pascali.

2. What does Pascali tell Bowles he would not be allowed to do even with a lease?
(a) Use any power equipment.
(b) Dig on the grounds of the Sanctuary of Artemis.
(c) Take away anything from the grounds.
(d) Bring in a crew of more than three workers.

3. How long has Pascali been a paid informer?
(a) Almost 13 years.
(b) A year and a half.
(c) Ten years.
(d) Nearly 20 years.

4. What does Pascali say he does to his stories?
(a) Gives as little detail as possible.
(b) Writes them exactly as they happen.
(c) Fabricates them entirely.
(d) Embellishes them.

5. What does Politis say to Pascali when they pass on the street?
(a) That Pascali did not say hello to him as he passed on his way to dinner.
(b) That Bowles is an English spy.
(c) That Bowles plans to kill Pascali after the negotiations.
(d) That Pascali had better watch his back.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the motivating factor in Izzet agreeing to meet with Bowles?

2. How has Pascali betrayed himself as a spy unintentionally?

3. Who needs Pascali's translation services?

4. What does Pascali observe Bowles doing?

5. What does Pascali think is the reason for Bowles' action?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the conversation between Lydia and Pascali about the fisherman show that Lydia is lying?

2. How does Pascali represent the theme of violence symbolically?

3. How does Pascali seem to view the idea of violence in this section?

4. What is one theme that seems to be developing in this section?

5. How is the theme of deceit demonstrated by Bowles during the transaction with Pasha?

6. What is a theme that predominates this section?

7. Of what does the fact that Bowles is walking and talking with Pascali in public remind Pascali?

8. What are some images that seem to suggest the violence that is simmering just below the surface on this island?

9. Give a brief analysis of the character of Pascali.

10. What is ironic about Pasha buying land from the locals?

(see the answer keys)

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