Pascali's Island Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pascali's Island Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. About what does Pascali warn Bowles?
(a) That Pasha has set up an ambush at the site.
(b) That someone is stalking Bowles.
(c) That they are both likely to lose their heads if things are not resolved very soon.
(d) That Izzet has secretly called in the Sultan's assassin.

2. To what does Pascali admit?
(a) Being jealous of Bowles with Lydia.
(b) Stealing the gold watch.
(c) Stealing the marble statue.
(d) Searching Bowles' hotel room.

3. With whom does Pascali ask to speak?
(a) Lydia.
(b) Pasha.
(c) Bowles.
(d) Izzet.

4. What does Bowles demand?
(a) The removal of the soldiers from the evacuation site.
(b) For Pascali to be arrested for extortion.
(c) For Pasha to meet with him instead of Izzet.
(d) More money.

5. Of what does Pascali write to the Sultan again?
(a) Pascali's blending of reality and illusion to create realism in imaginary settings.
(b) The suspicians he has of Bowles.
(c) The need for more money.
(d) The fear he has that he has been discovered.

6. What does Pascali see as he's walking home through the market?
(a) Lydia talking with three strangers.
(b) Bowles talking with three strangers.
(c) Lydia and Bowles talking with a stranger.
(d) Three strangers buying fruit.

7. Why is Pascali depressed and anguished?
(a) At the thought of his own death.
(b) At the thought of confronting Bowles.
(c) At the thought of confronting Lydia.
(d) At the thought of losing his 150 liras.

8. What does Bowles ask of Pascali?
(a) To gain Pasha's confidence again.
(b) To be quiet about Bowles's deceptions.
(c) To be his ally.
(d) To help Bowles get the statue out of the country.

9. How much does Izzet then offer?
(a) Nothing.
(b) 600 lira, 50 of which will pay Bowles for his time already spent.
(c) 700 liras, which is what Bowles initially asks for.
(d) 800 liras.

10. What does Pascali take from Bowles' room?
(a) Bowles' journal.
(b) A gold ring from the excavation site.
(c) Nothing.
(d) A plate of olives.

11. How does Pascali see Bowles?
(a) As a brilliant archeologist.
(b) As a dead man.
(c) As a frustrated writer.
(d) As a dreamer and both a victim of his own mind and an exploiter of those ideas.

12. What does Pascali insist to Bowles about the church service?
(a) That the Saint was hexed.
(b) That the priest is in on the conspiracy to kill Bowles.
(c) Pascali is unwilling to answer Bowles's questions.
(d) That they were going to kill Pascali.

13. Who meets Pascali on his way home from Dr. Hogan's?
(a) Lydia.
(b) Smith.
(c) Izzet and a large man.
(d) Bowles.

14. Why does Bowles want a few more days at the site?
(a) To make a few more sketches.
(b) To hide his activities.
(c) To plunder the artifacts more.
(d) To make his getaway on Smith's boat.

15. Why is Pascali in danger?
(a) Because of his love for Lydia.
(b) Because of Bowles' actions.
(c) For accepting bribe money.
(d) For informing on Fisherman Smith.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Bowles say to the second offer?

2. Who cowers in his palace?

3. Why does Pascali want to leave the island?

4. Upon whose head is the responsibility for this situation?

5. What does Hogan's wife give Pascali?

(see the answer keys)

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