Pascali's Island Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pascali's Island Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bowles believe about Greek statues?
(a) That Greek statues have been secretly disseminated throughout the world.
(b) That Greek statues symbolize all human affairs.
(c) That Greek statues are a dime a dozen.
(d) That Greek statues are a metaphor for civilization.

2. What does Pascali think the men he is leading are going to do?
(a) He is not sure.
(b) Kill Bowles and capture Smith.
(c) Capture Smith and Bowles.
(d) Kill Bowles and his men.

3. How is Bowles killed?
(a) Lydia kills him before she dies.
(b) One of the soldiers stabs him with his bayonet.
(c) He is not killed.
(d) The statue crushes him.

4. What did Pascali fear until recently?
(a) Pasha.
(b) The Sultan.
(c) Death.
(d) Izzet.

5. Upon what is Bowles' pretended offer of friendship to Pascali solely based?
(a) Upon Bowles's need for local legitimization.
(b) Upon Bowles's erroneous perception that Pascali held power on the island.
(c) Upon Bowles's need for translation services.
(d) Upon Bowles's belief that he could manipulate Pascali to help him seduce Lydia.

6. What does Pascali learn about the phrase "terra rossa"?
(a) That it is only used in very primative cultures for making wood-fired dishes.
(b) That it is slightly radioactive.
(c) That it is bauxite, a non-plastic, clay-like material, generally red in color.
(d) That there is actually no such material.

7. Why are Pasha and Izzet caught in a must-pay situation?
(a) They know Bowles has the contacts to have them killed.
(b) They do not have to pay; they know the authorities will believe them over Bowles.
(c) Because Bowles has kidnapped a child of each of them and holds the child against payment.
(d) Not to pay would mean involvement by authorities which would betray their secret.

8. What hinges upon Izzet fulfilling Bowles's demand?
(a) Any more money.
(b) Bowles leaving the island.
(c) Any artifacts being turned over to the State.
(d) Further negotiations.

9. What is the most significant thing about terra rossa?
(a) It is a fairly valuable export.
(b) It is only found on this island.
(c) It contains large amounts of aluminum deposits.
(d) It can create an explosion when mixed with sulfur.

10. What does Pascali realize that Bowles believes about himself?
(a) Bowles believes he is the messiah of Greek art.
(b) Bowles believes himself to be on a mission from a higher power.
(c) Bowles believes he is above the law.
(d) Bowles believes he is a prophet.

11. What does Pascali take from Bowles' room?
(a) Bowles' journal.
(b) A plate of olives.
(c) A gold ring from the excavation site.
(d) Nothing.

12. Who does Pascali see talking to the person Pascali is following?
(a) Izzet.
(b) Bowles.
(c) Smith.
(d) Lydia.

13. What does the note from Bowles say?
(a) That he has left for England.
(b) That he is unavoidably delayed for an hour.
(c) That he is unable to attend.
(d) That they can find him at the Sanctuary.

14. What does Bowles say to the second offer?
(a) He accepts but says they have to pay him 10 percent of any profit.
(b) He declines.
(c) He declines but says he may change his mind but needs a day to think on it.
(d) He accepts.

15. Why does Pascali visit Dr. Hogan?
(a) To get a shot and information.
(b) Pascali needs a kind conversation and information.
(c) Because his eyesight is getting worse.
(d) To relate to someone who is honest.

Short Answer Questions

1. Of what does Bowles accuse Pascali?

2. Who does Pascali follow?

3. Why does Bowles want to leave the situation for a few days?

4. How does Bowles envision the bronze statue he finds?

5. What does Hogan think "terra rossa" means?

(see the answer keys)

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