Pascali's Island Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pascali's Island Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Pascali say the Sultan needs?
(a) A new direction for the empire.
(b) A moral compass.
(c) A new chatelaine.
(d) An annex for his thoughts.

2. For how much does Bowles obtain the lease?
(a) Twenty liras.
(b) Two hundred liras.
(c) Fifty liras.
(d) The request for the lease is denied.

3. What is Bowles' reply to Pascali?
(a) He wouldn't dream of using power equipment at such a sacred site.
(b) He is not going to have but one other person helping him.
(c) He does not plan to dig.
(d) He hopes to have a museum at the site eventually and not take anything away.

4. Who is Zeki Bey?
(a) The newspaper editor.
(b) The tax collector.
(c) The school headmaster.
(d) The city mayor.

5. What does Pascali think when he sees what is happening on the shoreline?
(a) That Smith is probably unloading guns.
(b) That Bowles and Lydia are definitely together.
(c) That the gulls are merely imitating humankind.
(d) That all around him, the world is preparing for violence.

6. What does Bowles believe Germany should do?
(a) Keep their treaty with the Sultan.
(b) Stop being the aggressors in the Balkans.
(c) Declare their stance on minorities before developing trade.
(d) Shoot the Kaiser.

7. What does Pascali believe about harmony.
(a) That it cannot be attained without discord.
(b) That it works in music but not politics.
(c) That only the dead understand harmony.
(d) That it is unobtainable.

8. Who owns the lands where the Sanctuary of Artemis is located?
(a) Mahmoud Pasha.
(b) Pascali.
(c) Lydia.
(d) The Turkish government.

9. What does Pascali realize Smith's business must be?
(a) A very expensive type of crab.
(b) Guns for the rebels.
(c) Running drugs.
(d) A slaver.

10. What does Pascali think about him and this recent arrival?
(a) That they may fall in love.
(b) That they are destined never to formally meet.
(c) That they will inevitably kill each other.
(d) That their destinies are intertwined.

11. What could deaths on the island do?
(a) Bring in the Americans.
(b) Increase local unrest.
(c) Benefit someone as a bargaining tool or negotiation point.
(d) Turn off trade.

12. Of what is the Ottoman empire comprised?
(a) Mostly Arab nations.
(b) An fairly homogenous group of peoples.
(c) Of multiple races, creed, and languages that have united under the Ottoman State.
(d) Many disparate but loyal groups.

13. What does the sound of bleating sheep mean to Pascali as he is walking?
(a) He knows they will soon be slaughtered for the Sacrifice Festival.
(b) It reminds him of his childhood.
(c) He knows they are being herded to the rebels for food.
(d) He remembers the phrase, "the Lion will lie down with the lamb," from his childhood.

14. Who has recently arrived by boat to the island?
(a) No one has arrived to this God forsaken place in months.
(b) Esmeralda Von Trece.
(c) The Sultan.
(d) Anthony Bowles.

15. What does Bowles claim to Pasha that he has found?
(a) A letter indicating that someone else owns the land Bowles is leasing.
(b) An artifact that is from WWI that proves the Germans did occupy this island.
(c) Objects of great historical and monetary value at the site.
(d) Numerous human bones.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what does he admit concerning the Turks and Greeks?

2. What does Pascali's salary not allow him?

3. Who needs Pascali's translation services?

4. From where does Zeki Bey think the rebels obtain money?

5. Why won't Russia, Britain, and France take action against the Ottoman empire?

(see the answer keys)

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