Parzival Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Parzival Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Kingrimursel accuses ________ of murdering his lord, and then challenges him to a fight.
(a) King Arthur.
(b) Ither.
(c) Gawan.
(d) Parvizal.

2. What is Parzival seeking when he talks to the Angler during that evening?
(a) His brother.
(b) Food.
(c) A woman.
(d) Shelter.

3. ________ requests permission to joust with Parzival, but he is also beaten when he comes face to face with him.
(a) Sagramors.
(b) Gawan.
(c) Keie.
(d) Ither.

4. What provides food and drink for all of the hundreds who are gathered in the castle with Parzival?
(a) The slaves.
(b) The page.
(c) Gral.
(d) The workers.

5. The ________ bestows the sword upon Parzival and says that it will stand in good stead whenever it is tested in battle.
(a) Angler.
(b) King.
(c) Queen.
(d) Page.

Short Answer Questions

1. _________ visits Gawan and convinces him to be her knight, promising to provide love tokens in return.

2. Who is running through Parzival's mind after he leaves King Arthur's court?

3. Queen Condawiramurs has said that she would rather ___________ than to marry Clamide.

4. What sleeps in the cold next to Parzival, according to the description in the story?

5. What is the name of the King who wants to marry Queen Condwiramurs, though she does not want to marry him?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Parzival come across one day, despite the rules that his mother has for him?

2. What does Queen Condwiramurs tell Parzival when she sneaks into his chambers late one evening?

3. What happens when Clamide arrives at King Arthur's court after his defeat in battle?

4. Why did Obie deny the affections of Duke Lyppaut, according to the story's content?

5. What does Gawan learn about the army marching in grand style?

6. What does Gahmuret set out for Toledo to find, according to the story?

7. What does an assembly of princes petition after the death of the King of Anjou?

8. What is so miraculous about the Gral during this section's particular gathering?

9. What does the page walk through the room carrying when Parzival is at the castle?

10. What is in the letter that Ampflise sends to Gahmuret via messenger?

(see the answer keys)

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