Parzival Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Parzival Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who rode out recently with the Gral and Parzival is instructed to go see if he can catch up with him?
(a) Cundrie.
(b) King Arthur.
(c) Gawan.
(d) Ither.

2. What does Gramoflanz postpone until the next day when he hears about the duel of Gawan?
(a) Meeting Itonje.
(b) His meeting with Parvizal.
(c) His practice.
(d) Duel.

3. A brawny ________ enters the room as well with a club in his hand, ready to battle Gawan.
(a) Prince.
(b) Knight.
(c) Rustic.
(d) King.

4. What does the host tell Gawan to do if he wants to learn more about the castle on his own?
(a) Gather an army.
(b) Arm himself.
(c) Find the Gral.
(d) Say a prayer.

5. The ladies weep to see _________ leave with Gawan, according to this part of the story.
(a) Orgeluse.
(b) Obie.
(c) Obilot.
(d) Cundrie.

6. What does Gawan need to get from a twig in order to prove his love to Orgeluse?
(a) Leaf.
(b) Berry.
(c) Dew.
(d) Garland.

7. The squire cannot tell Queen Arnive about his __________ when he returns, according to the story.
(a) Life.
(b) Lover.
(c) Errand.
(d) Mission.

8. Who brings to King Gramoflanz the ring that Itonje had?
(a) Lady Bene.
(b) Parvizal.
(c) Gawan.
(d) King Arthur.

9. Who is NOT one of the three ladies that Gawan is instructed to kiss after pledging to help Queen Arnive?
(a) Obie.
(b) Cundrie.
(c) Itonje.
(d) Sangive.

10. Gawan pledges to be Queen Arnive's __________ as she has helped him heal with the help of her medicines.
(a) Knight.
(b) Son.
(c) Servant.
(d) Friend.

11. _________ assures Gawan that her heart will always be with him, even as he leaves.
(a) Obilot.
(b) Antikione.
(c) Obie.
(d) Bene.

12. Kingrimursel chides the _________ for offering violence even though Gawan was promised safe passage to the duel.
(a) Servants.
(b) Old knight.
(c) Sister.
(d) King.

13. King Gramoflanz is fighting a duel in order to win the honor before ___________, according to the story.
(a) Gawan.
(b) King Arthur.
(c) Parvizal.
(d) Itonje.

14. Who is going to meet Gawan at Schastel marveille, according to a note that the squire delivers?
(a) Orgeluse.
(b) No one.
(c) King Arthur.
(d) Parvizal.

15. Who does the castle rightfully belong to, according to Queen Arnive?
(a) King Arthur.
(b) No one.
(c) Parvizal.
(d) Gawan.

Short Answer Questions

1. ______ mocks Gawan for imagining that he has distinguished himself because the ladies have seen the outcome of the battle.

2. Both of the knights are knocked from their ________, according to the description of the match.

3. Where does Gawan find a motionless knight alongside, according to the description in the story?

4. What does Gawan leave in order to seek out, according to this point of the story?

5. For how long does Parzival stay with Trevrizent when he is traveling during this part of the story?

(see the answer keys)

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