Parzival Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Parzival Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Custom dictates that the _________ brother inherits the entirety of the father's estate when he dies.
(a) Single.
(b) Middle.
(c) Eldest.
(d) Youngest.

2. What is the name of the city that the King bequeathed to his daughter, Condwiramurs?
(a) Brobarz.
(b) Belrepeire.
(c) Briton.
(d) Clamide.

3. An assembly of ________ petitions the new kind to show his love for Gahmuret as a brother who wants to explore the world.
(a) Princes.
(b) Queens.
(c) Kings.
(d) Princesses.

4. Parzival asks his Queen if he can go to visit his __________, and his Queen gives him permission to do so.
(a) Brother.
(b) Aunt.
(c) Father.
(d) Mother.

5. What is the affliction of Antanor that is first seen in this section of the book?
(a) Mute.
(b) Measles.
(c) Smallpox.
(d) Nothing.

6. Who is running through Parzival's mind after he leaves King Arthur's court?
(a) His mother.
(b) Cunneware.
(c) Bene.
(d) Liaze.

7. __________ laments his love for Lady Cunneware, according to the story at this point.
(a) Gawan.
(b) Parvizal.
(c) Clamide.
(d) King Arthur.

8. Where does Gahmuret go in order to help Baruc fight the Babylonians, though he ends up meeting his death there?
(a) Paris.
(b) Constantinople.
(c) Istanbul.
(d) Baghdad.

9. Who offers to be Parzival's host and to train him after Parzival decides to leave King Arthur's Court?
(a) Ither.
(b) Gawan.
(c) Gurnemanz.
(d) No one.

10. Gahmuret decides to _________ from the field in order to mourn his loss.
(a) Run away.
(b) Retire.
(c) Hide.
(d) Escape.

11. _________ visits Gawan and convinces him to be her knight, promising to provide love tokens in return.
(a) Obie.
(b) Antikione.
(c) Obilot.
(d) Bene.

12. Who decides to take his leave even though his brother is sad to see him go?
(a) Gahmuret.
(b) Gawan.
(c) Parzival.
(d) King of Anjou.

13. _________ arrives and chides Parzival for not freeing Antfortas from his sorrows and asking the question.
(a) Cundrie.
(b) Schastel.
(c) Ither.
(d) Gawan.

14. Parzival tells the seneschal to submit the surrender of Clamide to Lady Cunneware as well as to _____________.
(a) Ither.
(b) Gawan.
(c) Lady Bene.
(d) King Arthur.

15. Obie believes that Gawan is a __________ when they first meet as Gawan tries to determine what the situation is.
(a) Traveler.
(b) Knight.
(c) Magician.
(d) Merchant.

Short Answer Questions

1. Wolfram himself was an unfree _______, bound to the service of a lord according to the Introduction.

2. What does Queen Herzeloyde forbid others from teaching to Parzival?

3. Queen Condwiramurs does not stop Parzival from going as her ________ allows her to deny him nothing.

4. Who does not participate in the tournament, which disappoints the Queen as she has heard much of his abilities?

5. Who does the Queen live in isolation with in the forest according to this part of the story?

(see the answer keys)

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