Parzival Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Parzival Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Gahmuret set out to when he leaves the castle to seek out new deeds to accomplish?
(a) Madrid.
(b) Toledo.
(c) Greece.
(d) Rome.

2. What does Parzival do that causes his mother to feel much grief at his decision?
(a) Becomes a fool.
(b) Runs away.
(c) Sets off to become a knight.
(d) Marries a peasant.

3. Where does Gahmuret go in order to help Baruc fight the Babylonians, though he ends up meeting his death there?
(a) Constantinople.
(b) Istanbul.
(c) Baghdad.
(d) Paris.

4. Parzival asks his Queen if he can go to visit his __________, and his Queen gives him permission to do so.
(a) Father.
(b) Aunt.
(c) Brother.
(d) Mother.

5. Gurnemanz's teachings to Parzival prevent Parzival from ___________ when he is in the presence of the Gral.
(a) Listening.
(b) Moving.
(c) Understanding.
(d) Asking questions.

Short Answer Questions

1. Condawiramurs insists on marrying __________ as a result of the victory that he gains for her.

2. Kingrimursel accuses ________ of murdering his lord, and then challenges him to a fight.

3. Queen Herzeloyde is stricken with grief after the passing of Gahmuret and fights death only because she is ___________,

4. Wolfram tackles the retelling of a tale of great ___________, of inborn womanhood, and manly virtue.

5. What is on the hilt of the sword that the page brings out to Parzival during this time in the castle?

(see the answer key)

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