Parrot in the Oven: Mi Vida Test | Final Test - Medium

Victor Martinez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 219 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Parrot in the Oven: Mi Vida Test | Final Test - Medium

Victor Martinez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 219 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Manny suspect that the bullet had lodged when he had narrowly missed accidentally shooting Pedi?
(a) In the closet ceiling.
(b) In the living room ceiling beam.
(c) In the cooler shaft.
(d) In the windowsill.

2. What did Nardo do just before he went to bed on the night he climbed into the bedroom window?
(a) He kissed Manny good night.
(b) He told Manny that he had gotten a job.
(c) He stared at himself in the mirror.
(d) He asked Manny if they should to visit Grandma Rosa soon.

3. What was the source of Manny's and Pedi's argument while he was babysitting her during Magda's date?
(a) Prune juice.
(b) Chocolate.
(c) Root beer.
(d) Macaroni and cheese.

4. Who woke up Nardo and Manny and told them to go do yard work at Grandma Rosa's house?
(a) Magda.
(b) Rebecca.
(c) Pedi.
(d) Manuel.

5. What did Miss Van der Meer do when she realized Manny did not understand her literary reference to Hotspur?
(a) She jogged his memory about the book's reference since she knew all freshmen had read it.
(b) She told him the plot of the story she had been referencing.
(c) She said it did not matter and told Manny to forget it.
(d) She brought him into her classroom and read from a literary work.

Short Answer Questions

1. With whom was Linda in unrequited love?

2. Why did Grandma Rosa stare at the stool Nardo brought for her to sit on before she sat down on it?

3. What did Manny describe as the two main activities that students did in Miss Van der Meer's English classes?

4. After his grandfather had become riddled with dementia, what is the one memory Manny said that his grandfather had still clung to?

5. What did Manny describe as the two main activities that students did in his English class with Mr. Shattler?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Manny dreamt of Grandma Rosa the night before her funeral, what happened within his dream and how did he react once he woke up?

2. When Magda came home and her family rushed her to the hospital, what symptoms was she exhibiting and to what prognosis did her symptoms point?

3. Though at first Rebecca claimed it was their lack of money that was keeping her from taking Magda back to the hospital after her fever kept rising, what did she finally admit was the real reason?

4. What did Manuel do after he got out of bed and realized what had happened to Magda?

5. When Grandma Rosa emerged from the house while Manny and Nardo were working in her hard, what memories did she tell the boys about?

6. Why is it ironic for Lencho to be kicked out of the Berets after losing his boxing match to Boise?

7. How does Manny's act of nearly shooting his little sister Pedi play into the novel's theme regarding the power of choice?

8. How did the various family members act differently from one another at the wake for Grandma Rosa that was held after the funeral?

9. What is the author's purpose in letting the reader know that Malcolm, Chico's opponent, had been the only one in Biology class to know what volume of blood is produced when a girl has her period?

10. Who were the Berets?

(see the answer keys)

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