Parrot in the Oven: Mi Vida Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Victor Martinez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 219 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Parrot in the Oven: Mi Vida Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Victor Martinez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 219 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the foreman assigned a chili pepper row to Manny and Nardo, why had it not been chosen by anyone else?
(a) Because it was covered in white pesticide dust and exhaust fume dirt.
(b) Because the plants in that row were lower to the ground than those in the other rows.
(c) Because there was no shade over that row of peppers.
(d) Because the peppers in it were very far apart from each other.

2. What does the Spanish word "perico" (51) mean?
(a) Oven.
(b) Mimic.
(c) Parrot.
(d) Ocean.

3. Why did Nardo get fired from his busboy job?
(a) He dated the boss's daughter without permission.
(b) He danced with a guest.
(c) He broke some dishes.
(d) He came late too many times.

4. Where was Manny's $20 located when Manuel took it from him?
(a) In his pants pocket.
(b) In his shirt pocket.
(c) In his shoe.
(d) In his hand.

5. What did Manny do in Mr. Hart's office when Mr. Hart motioned for him to sit down?
(a) He left.
(b) He walked to the window and looked outside.
(c) He remained standing.
(d) He sat down.

Short Answer Questions

1. What meaning did Manuel ascribe to the note that Rebecca had left him about going to get her hair done at Sophie's?

2. Who watched Pedi while Manny and Rebecca went to the pool hall to try and get Manuel to return home?

3. What did Manuel exclaim when he first arrived home from the Pool Hall after a two-day binge?

4. What simile did Manny use on page 39 to describe the tie that Mr. Hart always wore?

5. Though Stinky was in Manny's grade at school, how much older was he than Manny?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why did Mr. Hart take a roundabout way when he took Manny home?

2. What caused Rebecca to think that Manuel was somewhere in the pool hall even though Rico told her that Manuel had gone home?

3. What kind of relationship did Manny's father and mother have?

4. What did Nardo's grandmother mean when she said, "Es muy vivo" about Nardo?

5. Why was Manuel immediately furious when he saw Manny get out of Mr. Hart's car?

6. What did Manuel do with the $20 he took from Manny's pocket?

7. What details does Manny reveal to the reader about his teacher Mr. Hart?

8. What is significant about how Rebecca behaved during the scene in which the police came into the Hernandez's home?

9. How does the theme of "otherness" emerge within the aftermath of the Immigration officers' removal of the illegal immigrants from the field?

10. Why did Manny travel to his school even though it is still summer?

(see the answer keys)

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