Parrot in the Oven: Mi Vida Test | Final Test - Easy

Victor Martinez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 219 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Parrot in the Oven: Mi Vida Test | Final Test - Easy

Victor Martinez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 219 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened inside the restroom when Manny and Rebecca carried Magda in so she could relieve herself?
(a) Magda fainted on the floor.
(b) The receptionist came in and told them they could not all be in there together.
(c) The fire alarm went off.
(d) Rebecca slipped on the floor and fell down.

2. What was one fruit that did NOT grow on the tree Manny's grandfather had created by grafting many different branches together?
(a) Plums.
(b) Apples.
(c) Cherries.
(d) Peaches.

3. What action did Rebecca finally take when Manny kept insisting that they needed to take Magda back to the hospital?
(a) She hit the side of Manny's head with her cupped hand.
(b) She woke up Manuel to ask his advice.
(c) She woke up Nardo to ask his advice.
(d) She went to get Manuel's car keys.

4. What was inside the pinata that held the candies and chocolates that burst forth when Rebecca hit it as a child?
(a) A clay pot.
(b) A Tupperware container.
(c) A plastic bag.
(d) A Coke bottle.

5. What was the main reason Lencho came over to talk to Manny during lunch on the first day he did so?
(a) Lencho asked Manny if he knew what was inside the white teacher's classroom.
(b) Lencho asked Manny if he thought Magda would go out on a date with him.
(c) Lencho asked Manny to ask his brother Nardo to join Lencho's boxing team.
(d) Lencho came to confront Manny for saying nasty things about Lencho behind his back.

6. What example from her own life did Rebecca cite when she told Magda not to ruin her life like she had?
(a) That she had married a man she did not love.
(b) That she had not attended college.
(c) That she had gotten pregnant at 16.
(d) That she had quit school.

7. What unusual items did Lencho mention that Miss Van der Meer had in her classroom?
(a) Beanbag chairs.
(b) Boom boxes.
(c) Couches.
(d) Microscopes.

8. What did Nardo do just before he went to bed on the night he climbed into the bedroom window?
(a) He stared at himself in the mirror.
(b) He kissed Manny good night.
(c) He asked Manny if they should to visit Grandma Rosa soon.
(d) He told Manny that he had gotten a job.

9. Which two musicians were Magda's favorites?
(a) Smokey Robinson and Frankie Vallee.
(b) Elvis Presley and Smokey Robinson.
(c) Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly.
(d) Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper.

10. What was the most serious consequence levied upon Lencho for losing the fight against Boise?
(a) He was not allowed to continue using the weight room after school.
(b) He was kicked out of the Berets.
(c) He was thrown out of the house by his father.
(d) He was prohibited from ever running a boxing team at school again.

11. What caused Manny to think he had shot and killed Pedi when the rifle had accidentally gone off in his hands?
(a) She did not make a sound.
(b) She fell onto the floor.
(c) She screamed.
(d) She fainted.

12. What did Manny describe as the two main activities that students did in his English class with Mr. Shattler?
(a) They studied poetry and gave speeches.
(b) They read detective fiction and studied Shakespeare.
(c) They read magazines and played bingo.
(d) They threw spitballs and made collages.

13. Who gave Rebecca a cup of coffee while she was sitting in the hospital waiting room?
(a) Manny.
(b) Magda.
(c) The receptionist.
(d) The lady whose husband had been injured by a passing truck.

14. What did Magda do that signaled to her family that her fever had broken and she was going to be fine?
(a) She told them she felt better.
(b) She laughed.
(c) She looked suddenly alert and surprised to see them standing over her.
(d) She asked for food.

15. What feature did Grandma Rosa say that each of her neighbors' houses had sported before they had all moved away to have their houses torn down?
(a) A fountain.
(b) A garden.
(c) A porch swing.
(d) A picket fence.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many miscarriages, if any, had Rebecca had?

2. What did Manny suspect was Albert's real reason for joining the boxing team?

3. Where did Manny suspect that the bullet had lodged when he had narrowly missed accidentally shooting Pedi?

4. What was the source of Manny's and Pedi's argument while he was babysitting her during Magda's date?

5. What emotion did Manny realize the hospital receptionist's sighs about Magda's condition really signified?

(see the answer keys)

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