Paradise Lost Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Paradise Lost Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the good man build in Book 11?
(a) An ark
(b) A lake
(c) A palace
(d) A statue

2. What will proclaim the savior's coming?
(a) A storm
(b) A faceless voice
(c) A star
(d) A prophet

3. Why did God send Raphael to Hell while he created earth?
(a) To punish him
(b) To find himself a wife
(c) To hold talks with Satan
(d) To make sure no one escaped

4. From whom does Eve prefer to learn?
(a) Adam
(b) Mother Nature
(c) God
(d) The angels

5. What does Eve leave to do at the beginning of Book 8?
(a) Meet Satan
(b) Collect some fruit
(c) Kill some serpents
(d) Tend to the plants

6. What does God take from Adam to create woman?
(a) A femur
(b) Mucus
(c) A spinal column
(d) A rib

7. What will Jesus' sacrifice defeat?
(a) The Romans
(b) Evil
(c) Satan
(d) Sin and Death

8. What two people does Adam see in a field?
(a) A father and a child
(b) Two lovers
(c) A blacksmith and a shepherd
(d) A reaper and a shepherd

9. What does Michael say will eventually happen to the church?
(a) It will destroy itself.
(b) It will no longer be needed.
(c) It will be corrupted by power.
(d) It will take over the world.

10. What reason does Adam give for hiding?
(a) He was keeping away from Eve.
(b) His nakedness made him ashamed.
(c) He wanted to see how all knowing God was.
(d) He has disobeyed God.

11. What time do Adam and Eve agree to meet?
(a) Midnight
(b) 2 pm
(c) Dusk
(d) Noon

12. How does God know what has happened on Eden?
(a) He has spies everywhere.
(b) He is all-knowing.
(c) Raphael saw the whole thing.
(d) Satan has been boasting of his victory.

13. Which character infects man?
(a) Death
(b) Chaos
(c) Sin
(d) Gluttony

14. What does the poet warn the reader at the beginning of Book 9?
(a) The story is about to end.
(b) The story is about to become a melodrama.
(c) The reader may lose interest.
(d) The story is to become a tragedy.

15. What will man be cursed with if he eats from the tree of knowledge?
(a) War
(b) Love and understanding
(c) Women
(d) Sin and death

Short Answer Questions

1. What rescues the man from being killed in the war?

2. What does the reaper use to beat the shepherd to death?

3. What does Adam realize is the highest victory?

4. What punishment does God give Adam?

5. Why does Michael say the tyrant will build a tower?

(see the answer keys)

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