Paradise Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Paradise Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Connie sell to earn money?
(a) Papal indulgences.
(b) Hot peppers, homemade pies, and vegetables.
(c) Quilts and glass figurines.
(d) Moonshine.

2. What is Richard Misner advocating on behalf of the young people?
(a) That they be exempt from fieldwork if enrolled in school.
(b) That their concerns be heard in addition to the concerns of the older men.
(c) That they be allowed to hold a barn dance.
(d) That they be allowed to drive automobiles if licensed.

3. The men who visit the Convent believe that there are none of what type of women in the town of Ruby?
(a) Slack.
(b) Pregnant.
(c) Clairvoyant.
(d) Overweight.

4. What does the woman who hires Seneca claim she needs?
(a) A typist.
(b) A live-in nurse.
(c) A cook.
(d) A model for her painting.

5. Why does Connie have to tend to the old woman?
(a) The old woman is bedridden.
(b) Connie is the old woman's slave.
(c) Connie owes the old woman money.
(d) The old woman is a fugitive from the law.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who sits beside Mavis while the interview is taking place?

2. Why does Seneca have difficulty sleeping at the Convent?

3. What were the names of Soane and Deek's sons?

4. Why is the friendship between Connie and Soane surprising?

5. What time of year does the girl who arrives at the Convent at the end of the chapter say it is?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the plot not flow in a chronological manner in the chapter "Ruby"?

2. Why was the town of Haven not as affected by the Great Depression as most of the rest of the country?

3. How has the community oven lost its significance?

4. What event cuts short Mavis's reunion upon arriving back at the Convent after a month's absence?

5. When there is a problem in Ruby who handles it?

6. Why did the founders of Ruby decide to name the town Ruby instead of New Haven?

7. Why is the town of Ruby not a place that attracts travelers?

8. In addition to growing vegetables, what is one of Connie's main tasks at the Convent?

9. What is one of the things the Morgan twins probably consider when they are trying to decide what to do about Arnette's pregnancy?

10. What are some of town situations that Dovey Morgan thinks about?

(see the answer keys)

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