Paperboy Test | Final Test - Medium

Vince Vawter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Paperboy Test | Final Test - Medium

Vince Vawter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On what day of the week are Little Man's parents coming home from their trip in Chapter 14?
(a) Thursday.
(b) Friday.
(c) Saturday.
(d) Monday.

2. What does the word "copacetic" mean?
(a) Conflicted.
(b) Arbitrary.
(c) Complicated.
(d) Fine.

3. Little Man says in Chapter 9, "I would be glad to be a grown-up for two reasons." What is the second reason he gives?
(a) He would be able to write about his past.
(b) He would be able to marry Sarah.
(c) He would be able to leave the South.
(d) He'd be able to figure out what to do with his feelings.

4. Why is Mam not allowed to have her picture taken in the booth with Little Man at the zoo?
(a) Because she is African American.
(b) Because she is Asian.
(c) Because she is Native American.
(d) Because she is a woman.

5. What does Little Man observe Mam doing for the first time when they are riding the bus in the end of Chapter 16?
(a) Dip snuff.
(b) Curse.
(c) Drink alcohol.
(d) Smoke.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Little Man say "seemed like the least I could do for Mrs. Worthington" in Chapter 9?

2. Why does the coach call off ball practice in Chapter 13?

3. What does Little Man say that offends Mam and makes her upset while they are waiting for their photograph at the zoo?

4. What is Mam's needle story about that she works on at the zoo?

5. What items fill the walls of Mr. Spiro's home?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Little Man find when he goes for collection at Mrs. Worthington's home in Chapter 14?

2. What is significant about the abandoned ladder against the house in Chapter 13?

3. What does Little Man say that upsets Mam in Chapter 12? How does Mam respond?

4. What concerns preoccupy Little Man in Chapter 11? Are these concerns well-founded?

5. What does Little Man ask Mam as they ride the bus home from church in Chapter 11? Why is this question significant?

6. What conflict occurs when Little Man goes to pick up his newspapers for the day in Chapter 13? How is the conflict resolved?

7. What discovery does Little Man make when he goes for his final collection at Mr. Spiro's home in Chapter 14? How does Little Man respond to the discovery?

8. Why do you think Mam allows Little Man to accompany her at the end of Chapter 16?

9. How does Mam respond to the situation in Little Man's bedroom in Chapter 16?

10. Why is baseball practice called off in Chapter 13? What does Little Man do instead?

(see the answer keys)

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