Paperboy Test | Final Test - Easy

Vince Vawter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Paperboy Test | Final Test - Easy

Vince Vawter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does the coach call off ball practice in Chapter 13?
(a) It is forecast to rain.
(b) The weather will be too hot.
(c) There is snow in the forecast.
(d) He is leaving town for a funeral.

2. What does Little Man do with the granddaddy long-legs spider that crawls onto his book in Chapter 11?
(a) He puts it in a jar.
(b) He feeds it to the cat.
(c) He smashes it with the book.
(d) He puts it on the rose bushes.

3. What is Mrs. Worthington's first name?
(a) Marie.
(b) Christine.
(c) Sarah.
(d) Faye.

4. What street does Mam ask the bus driver if the bus will cross when she gets on to look for Ara T in Chapter 16?
(a) Jackson.
(b) Lauderdale.
(c) Broadway.
(d) Bourbon.

5. What has been stolen from Little Man's room in Chapter 16?
(a) His wallet, money, and watch.
(b) His mother's ring.
(c) His house keys and his father's photograph.
(d) His trophies, money, and car keys.

6. How much money is enclosed in Mrs. Worthington's envelope for payment in Chapter 15?
(a) $3.
(b) $5.
(c) $2.
(d) $10.

7. How does Little Man feel when he learns that Mr. Spiro is leaving for a trip in Chapter 15?
(a) Devastated.
(b) Giddy.
(c) Overjoyed.
(d) Enraged.

8. What does Little Man throw rocks at in the end of Chapter 15?
(a) A streetlamp.
(b) A boy.
(c) A window of an abandoned house.
(d) The moon.

9. What does Little Man observe Mam doing for the first time when they are riding the bus in the end of Chapter 16?
(a) Dip snuff.
(b) Drink alcohol.
(c) Smoke.
(d) Curse.

10. Where was Martin Heidegger from?
(a) Germany.
(b) France.
(c) Israel.
(d) Spain.

11. Where is Mr. Spiro going for a trip in Chapter 15?
(a) Wisconsin.
(b) Michigan.
(c) Louisiana.
(d) England.

12. What birds does Mam enjoy watching most at the zoo?
(a) The penguins.
(b) The ostriches.
(c) The peacocks.
(d) The flamingos.

13. When does Mr. Spiro say he will be back from his trip in Chapter 15?
(a) In the summer.
(b) In the spring.
(c) In the winter.
(d) In the fall.

14. What animals can Little Man and Mam see from the bench where they wait for their photograph at the zoo?
(a) The sharks.
(b) The bears.
(c) The lions.
(d) The penguins.

15. Where does Mam tell Little Man to go while she deals with his stolen belongings in Chapter 16?
(a) To his father's office.
(b) To his bedroom.
(c) To Rat's house.
(d) To Mr. Spiro's house.

Short Answer Questions

1. At what time does Little Man return home after his collections before returning to Mr. Spiro's house in the beginning of Chapter 16?

2. When does Little Man tell Mam that Rat will be returning home in Chapter 10?

3. On what day of the week is Mam allowed free entrance to the zoo as long as she wears her uniform and enters the gate with Little Man?

4. What position does Little Man say Babe Ruth started out in, according to his book, in Chapter 10?

5. What does Little Man say that offends Mam and makes her upset while they are waiting for their photograph at the zoo?

(see the answer keys)

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