Paperboy Fun Activities

Vince Vawter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Paperboy Fun Activities

Vince Vawter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Paperboy Lesson Plans

Sign Language

At one point in Paperboy, tLittle Man realizes that TV Boy is deaf because his mother speaks to him using sign language. Prepare a presentation for the class demonstrating sign language as a means of communication.


Several times in the narrative of Paperboy, Little Man faces bullying as a result of his speech impediment. Develop a presentation that examines the impact of bullying and ways to address this issue in schools today.

Theme Collage

Develop a collage using old magazines, newspapers, etc., that explores a major theme in Paperboy.

Character Depiction

Draw your interpretation of a character from the novel. Artistic ability is not important, but your drawings should reflect the narrator’s description to some extent.

Setting Depiction

Create a model, drawing, etc. depicting one of the main settings in Paperboy. How do you think Memphis would have looked in 1959?

News Clipping

Look in...

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