Paper Towns Test | Final Test - Medium

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Paper Towns Test | Final Test - Medium

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens when Q falls asleep?
(a) He has a bad dream about Margo.
(b) He gets a phone call from his mother.
(c) He gets a phone call from Ben.
(d) He wakes to the sound of someone singing.

2. About what concerning Margo is Q convinced?
(a) She is in trouble.
(b) She is not in Orlando.
(c) She is still in Orlando.
(d) She is safe.

3. Of what does Otis Warren assure Q?
(a) That the detective has already followed all leads.
(b) That Margo is safe.
(c) That Margo will be found when she's ready.
(d) That Margo is a legal adult.

4. What does Lacey ask of Q?
(a) To take her to meet up with Margo.
(b) To take her to the park.
(c) To get her another beer.
(d) To sit and talk with her.

5. What is Q experiencing at school?
(a) Harrassment from Margo's crowd.
(b) Acceptance from Margo's crowd.
(c) The lastness of it.
(d) An eagerness to be done with high school.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Q do instead of what he wanted to do?

2. What smells like lilac shampoo?

3. Of what does Radar say Q needs to have a more realistic view?

4. What does Q find repetitive?

5. Why does Q think Ben should be more helpful?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do Q and Radar talk about after Q calls him from hanging up with Ben?

2. Why does Q go to a party when Ben calls him?

3. What significant conversation do Ben and Q have in hour twelve?

4. What does Q realize when he re-reads the Whitman poem?

5. What does Q realize about how he has mirrored Margo?

6. How does Q vacillate about his search for Margo, but what does he do instead of the prom concerning her?

7. What are Ben and Radar's theories about Margo and how does Q feel when he hears them?

8. What does Q find when he searches the shelves again and what does he realize from that?

9. To whom does Q ask about the Walt Whitman poem, "Song of Myself" and what does he learn from the person?

10. What transpires in hours seven through eleven?

(see the answer keys)

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