Paper Towns Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Paper Towns Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what city was Margo born?
(a) Jacksonville.
(b) Orlando.
(c) St. Petersburg.
(d) Miami.

2. What does Q plan in which he has been inspired by his time with Margo?
(a) A late-night raid on Disneyworld.
(b) A counteroffensive.
(c) Nothing.
(d) A game night for nerds.

3. What has Margo just found out about Jase?
(a) He's younger than he said.
(b) He's older than he said.
(c) He's been cheating on her.
(d) He's half Cuban.

4. What were Q's parents' occupations?
(a) General surgeons.
(b) They owned and ran a store.
(c) Restaurant business.
(d) Therapists.

5. Where do girls who are cut loose typically end up according to Otis?
(a) There is no way to generalize where they end up.
(b) If they are bright like Margo, they become successful.
(c) Working in a place such as a diner.
(d) As prostitutes.

6. What does Q say knowing Margo Roth Spiegelman is?
(a) An aberration.
(b) An honor.
(c) A miracle.
(d) A pain.

7. What does Margo do to a Lexus?
(a) Lets the air out of two of the tires.
(b) Scratches the driver's door.
(c) Puts the club on it.
(d) Puts sugar in the gas.

8. Who is Lacey Pemberton?
(a) Margo's nemesis since they were five.
(b) Margo's ex-friend.
(c) A girl who does not know Margo but has always admired Margo.
(d) A girl who Q finds enticing.

9. Who does Q say rules the social hierarchy?
(a) Whoever has the most things.
(b) Ben.
(c) Margo.
(d) No one.

10. What happened when Ben Starling has a kidney infection?
(a) He stays home from school for a month.
(b) He urinates blood.
(c) He stays in the hospital for two weeks.
(d) He becomes a hypochondriac.

11. What does Margo do in the 7-Eleven parking lot?
(a) Drinks a beer.
(b) Paints her nails.
(c) Writes Jase a note.
(d) Calls her mother.

12. What is RHAPAW?
(a) The place where the nerds hang out after school.
(b) The nickname of Ben's Buick.
(c) The nickname of Q's dog.
(d) Where Margo tends to go after school.

13. Who do the three boys speak to at Margo's house?
(a) The housekeeper.
(b) Margo's mother.
(c) Ruthie.
(d) Margo's father.

14. About what does Q's mother talk to Q?
(a) Caring too much.
(b) Dead ends.
(c) Letting go.
(d) Coping mechanisms.

15. What does Margo say causes one of her "strings" to break?
(a) Her experience with Jase.
(b) Having her sister denounce Margo in front of all the older students.
(c) Having her father demoted.
(d) Having her mother arrested for DUI.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Ben happy?

2. Who is Chuck Parson?

3. What does Margo have Q do with a camera?

4. How do Margo's parents describe Margo?

5. What do Chuck and his friends do?

(see the answer keys)

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