Paper Towns Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Paper Towns Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Margo have to bribe?
(a) The guard at Sea World.
(b) A security guard at Universal Studios.
(c) Chuck and his friends.
(d) A police officer.

2. In what city was Margo born?
(a) Miami.
(b) St. Petersburg.
(c) Orlando.
(d) Jacksonville.

3. What does Margo buy at Wal-Mart?
(a) A sleeping bag.
(b) A pair of rubber boots.
(c) A coleman lantern.
(d) A club.

4. With what does Jasper Hanson spray some kids?
(a) Urine.
(b) Sugar water.
(c) Blue dye.
(d) Pink dye.

5. What does Q plan in which he has been inspired by his time with Margo?
(a) A late-night raid on Disneyworld.
(b) A game night for nerds.
(c) A counteroffensive.
(d) Nothing.

6. What were Q's parents' occupations?
(a) General surgeons.
(b) They owned and ran a store.
(c) Therapists.
(d) Restaurant business.

7. What does Q hope Margo chose him to do?
(a) Keep her parents guessing.
(b) Be her lover.
(c) Find her.
(d) Protect her.

8. How do Margo's parents describe Margo?
(a) As a sickness.
(b) As a pariah.
(c) As someone who does not know boundaries.
(d) As a wonderful but misguided girl.

9. Where do the clues Margo leaves lead?
(a) To a back yard dog fight.
(b) Nowhere.
(c) To the land fill.
(d) To a junkyard.

10. What does Otis say about many girls like Margo?
(a) They need attention.
(b) Their parents cause them to run away.
(c) They are just too spirited to conform.
(d) They are usually good, but make poor choices.

11. Into what does Q say Margo turns herself?
(a) A beloved writer.
(b) A glamorous model.
(c) A druggie.
(d) A mystery.

12. Where does Margo spray paint an "M"?
(a) On Becca's wall.
(b) On the grass in the park.
(c) No where.
(d) On the water tower.

13. Who does Q say are his enemies?
(a) Just about the entire student body.
(b) Several of the jocks and two of the biker guys.
(c) He has no real enemies.
(d) A girl who always turns up her nose when he walks by her.

14. What does Q say he and Margo have been doing all night?
(a) Re-living their childhood friendship.
(b) Renewing their vows from when they were kids.
(c) Taking out Margo's righteous indignation on others.
(d) Taking out Margo's anger on people.

15. What concerns Margo about how everyone lives?
(a) They live too extravagantly.
(b) They live with no conscious intention.
(c) They live with no concern for their neighbors.
(d) They live in the future rather than the present.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does everyone get to experience in his/her life?

2. What is Margo's gift to Q?

3. Who does Q tell about Chuck?

4. What does Lacey ask Q?

5. Why did Lacey break up with Craig?

(see the answer keys)

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