Pao Fun Activities

Kerry Young
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pao Fun Activities

Kerry Young
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Pao Lesson Plans

Jamaican History

Research the history of Jamaica and how it was ruled by the British. Write a report discussing what you learned.

Biographical Sketch of Author

Write a biographical sketch of Kerry Young, the author of Pao.

Shanty Town Diorama

Create a diorama of a shanty town.

Map It

Use a blackline map to show places that Pao and his family lived and traveled.

Tai Chi

Learn how to perform some basic tai chi movements and perform them for the class.

Read Sun Tzu

Read a book written by Sun Tzu. Prepare a written or oral book report.

Travel Guide

Create a travel guide of Jamaica.

Jamaican Flag

Draw a picture of the Jamaican flag.

Flora and Fauna of Jamaica

Make a booklet that shows the flora and fauna of Jamaica.

Motto to Live By

Pick a saying of Sun Tzu's and explain why it would be a...

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