Panzer Leader Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Panzer Leader Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Guderian's concept of the "panzer division" had what distinction?

2. Why did Hitler feel it was reasonable to occupy the Sudetenland?

3. What did Guderian not like about the post that was offered to him after the occupation of the Sudetenland?

4. When was Heinz Guderian born?

5. What was the first major action taken by Guderian against Brest-Litovosk?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happened in Linz during the German march on Austria?

2. Describe some of the advantages of tanks over other military units and formations.

3. As of March 1942, how was Germany governed?

4. What was Guderian's mission in the invasion of Poland.

5. Why did the German forces face difficulties during the first winter of the Russian campaign.

6. What tactical considerations did Guderian insist on in the planning of the invasion of France?

7. Describe the basic components of a Panzer division.

8. What was the reaction in the Sudetenland when German motorized troops arrived?

9. How did Hitler gain diplomatic approval for the occupation of the Sudetenland?

10. Why did Guderian believe France wanted to avoid real fighting?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The allied landing at Normandy was the largest amphibious invasion in history. The allies took great care to conceal the final location of their attack and to prepare the French coastline for their invasion. For their part, the Germans made many mistakes in assessing the allied invasion and suffered serious setbacks when the allies achieved air superiority.

1) Describe the German plan for the defense of occupied France. Who was in charge of this defense? Was this general well-suited for his task? What special preparations did he make?

2) Explain how allied air superiority affected the German plans for defense of the coastline.

3) Discuss the German response to the invasion. What mistakes were made in this response? Why did Rommel believe the real attack would come elsewhere? Why were German armored units unable to respond and attack the allied beachhead?

Essay Topic 2

As the situation worsened for Germany, Hitler became increasingly distrustful of his generals and began to chastise them for minor acts of disobedience. This trend began soon after the close of the Polish campaign and increased in severity until the end of the war.

1) Discuss the beginnings of Hitler's distrust for his generals. Cite Guderian's first hints Hitler was unsatisfied with his generals.

2) Explain some of the issues Hitler disagreed with his generals on, including defensive positions, strategic goals, and tactical withdrawals.

3) Describe some of the consequences of Hitler's distrust for his generals, including but not limited to the diminishing effectiveness of the German war-machine, the promotion of incompetent generals, and the assassination attempts against Hitler himself.

Essay Topic 3

As the war wound down and allied forces converged on the heart of Germany, Hitler and his top advisers refused to admit defeat and repeatedly neglected to agree to armistices. This refusal cost the lives of a huge number of soldiers and civilians.

1) Explain the opportunities Hitler had to surrender to the allies on reasonable terms. Include examples of suggestions made by both the allies and by other German leaders.

2) Discuss the reasons Hitler and his advisers refused to surrender until the war was completely and hopelessly lost.

3) Explain some of the consequences of this refusal, including the loss of life and the increasingly desperate situation for German civilians.

(see the answer keys)

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