Panzer Leader Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Panzer Leader Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What fortress was the new commander of Army Group Vistulla ordeedr to relieve?
(a) Kessel.
(b) Kustrin.
(c) Dresden.
(d) Moldova.

2. What did Guderian want to speak to Hitler about during the events of Chapter 12?
(a) A new offensive.
(b) A new tank design.
(c) Armistice.
(d) Total surrender.

3. According to Guderian, Hitler possessed what important capabilities?
(a) Military genius and accumen.
(b) Speaking abilities and willpower.
(c) Far-reaching strategy and fast decision-making.
(d) Genuine love for the German people and courage.

4. What happened when Guderian was called to meet with Hitler, following the assassination attempt of July 20th?
(a) He was threatened with arrest.
(b) He was promoted.
(c) He was demoted.
(d) He was transfered to a new command.

5. Guderian estimated the war could only continue for a few more weeks if what critical area was taken?
(a) The Rhineland.
(b) Denmark.
(c) East Prussia.
(d) Upper Silesia.

6. What force catpured Guderian?
(a) The English.
(b) The Russians.
(c) The French.
(d) The Americans.

7. What resource did Hitler want to protect near Lake Balaton in Hungary?
(a) Oil fields.
(b) Copper and iron mines.
(c) Industrial facilities.
(d) The civilian population.

8. Guderian compared Hitler to what other famous historical leader?
(a) Caesar.
(b) Napoleon.
(c) Hannibal.
(d) Alexander.

9. About how many German soldiers were lost when Army Group Center was encircled on the Eastern front?
(a) 10,000.
(b) 50,000.
(c) 300,000.
(d) 100,000.

10. What problem did the German General Staff face after 1933?
(a) Difficulty adapting to new technologies.
(b) An insuffiiciently large army.
(c) Swelling ranks.
(d) A lack of leadership.

11. Why was Guderian interrogated following the evacuation of Warsaw?
(a) He organized the evacuation.
(b) He defended the officers responsible.
(c) He botched the evacuation.
(d) He refused to engage the Russians.

12. In October of 1944, Guderian managed to stop the Russian advance in what region?
(a) Romania.
(b) East Prussia.
(c) Poland.
(d) Bulgaria.

13. How did Guderian feel about the coup plotters of July 20th?
(a) He saw them as traitors.
(b) He felt their methods were flawed.
(c) He saw them as heroes.
(d) He wished he had joined them.

14. When was Guderian captured?
(a) December 7th.
(b) June 22nd.
(c) May 10th.
(d) March 3rd.

15. During Germany's final collapse, Guderian sought an audience with Hitler and what other major leader?
(a) Himmler.
(b) Goering.
(c) Model.
(d) Rommel.

Short Answer Questions

1. Following the allied breakout from Normany, German forces retreated to what region?

2. What did Guderian think about the bomb plot?

3. Guderian described Hitler as being prone to panic in what situations?

4. What did von Kluge do after he was replaced by Model?

5. What did Guderian do during his final meeting with the Fuhrer that upset Hitler significantly?

(see the answer keys)

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