Panzer Leader Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Panzer Leader Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why was Guderian removed from his command by von Kluge?
(a) He ordered a withdrawal.
(b) He bungled an offensive.
(c) He disobeyed a direct order from Hitler.
(d) He lost most of his tanks in a pitched battle.

2. Hitler's arrival in what Austrian city affected him deeply?
(a) Linz.
(b) Salzburg.
(c) Graz.
(d) Vienna.

3. At what Russian city did Germany suffer a serious setback in 1943?
(a) Moscow.
(b) Leningrad.
(c) Stalingrad.
(d) Kiev.

4. During the fighting around Smolensk, Von Kluge threatened to court-martial Guderian and what other German leader?
(a) Keigel.
(b) Rommel.
(c) Kleist.
(d) Hoth.

5. What was unusual about the mobile division organized by Guderian under General Lutz's command?
(a) It included no small arms.
(b) It was armed with dummy weapons.
(c) It was labelled as a hospital battalion.
(d) It only existed on paper.

6. What happened to the Austrian army after the successful German march on that nation?
(a) It was turned into a police force.
(b) It was disbanded.
(c) It was reduced to a small fraction of its original size.
(d) It was incorporated into the German army.

7. After World War I, the German army was limited to how many men?
(a) 25,000.
(b) 100,000.
(c) 10,000.
(d) 50,000.

8. Why did Hitler feel it was reasonable to occupy the Sudetenland?
(a) The region was home to failed states.
(b) There was a large German population there.
(c) The occupation would require little violence.
(d) The current ruler was an internationally unloved dictator.

9. What did Guderian seek while on inactive service?
(a) An honorable discharge.
(b) An apology.
(c) A review.
(d) A courtmartial of von Kluge.

10. How many children did Guderian have?
(a) Three daughters.
(b) Two sons.
(c) Two sons and a daughter.
(d) A son and a daughter.

11. Panzer divisions did NOT include which of the following?
(a) Anti-tank weapons.
(b) Mobile anti-air vehicles.
(c) Tanks.
(d) Motorized infantry.

12. Why was Guderian unable to press his attack into Dunkirk?
(a) The French were well fortified in this area.
(b) There was a lack of fuel and supplies.
(c) The English had landed.
(d) Hitler ordered a halt of ground advances in this area.

13. How are the fortresses at Belfort reduced and captured?
(a) By using nerve gas.
(b) By sending in infantry covered by an artillery bombardment.
(c) By siege.
(d) By direct assault by tanks.

14. What Russian city did the German Army General Staff still hope that Guderian could take as late as November of 1941?
(a) Gorki.
(b) Kiev.
(c) Leningrad.
(d) Moscow.

15. What conference led to the incorporation of the Sudetenland into Germany?
(a) The Munich Conference.
(b) The Berlin Diet.
(c) The Salzburg Conference.
(d) The Vienna Accord.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the first nation that Guderian's forces invaded in the "Breakthrough to the Channel"?

2. According to Guderian, what was one of the problems the Tiger faced in its early introduction into the war?

3. How were the Germans met in the Sudetenland?

4. Guderian became an instructor on what subjects?

5. Why did Guderian accept the new post offered to him after the occupation of the Sudetenland?

(see the answer keys)

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