Panzer Leader Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Panzer Leader Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Appendices I- XXV.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What occurred in Romania, following the routing of the German-allied Romanian troops?
(a) A coup d'etat.
(b) An armistice.
(c) A communist revolution.
(d) A guerrilla war.

2. How did the first waves of the 10th Panzer Division cross the Meuse River?
(a) By assault boat.
(b) By using an improvised bridge.
(c) By using captured barges.
(d) By floating tanks on pontoons.

3. What agreement did Germany reach with Russia shortly before the invasion of Poland?
(a) A trade agreement of coal for oil.
(b) A non-aggression pact.
(c) A secret alliance.
(d) A mutual defense pact.

4. The OKW was created to act as which of the following?
(a) A puppet government for Hitler.
(b) A mouthpiece for Goebbels.
(c) A control mechanism.
(d) A logistical support organization.

5. What was Germany's next target after Czeckoslovakia?
(a) Poland.
(b) Norway.
(c) Belorus.
(d) France.

Short Answer Questions

1. What German military leader held the same position as Keitel and shared a similar fate?

2. Guderian describeed Germany as being controlled in what way?

3. In October of 1944, Guderian managed to stop the Russian advance in what region?

4. How many children did Guderian have?

5. What Russian city did the German Army General Staff still hope that Guderian could take as late as November of 1941?

(see the answer key)

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