Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded Test | Final Test - Easy

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Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 226 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Following the tea at Sir Simon's what happens when Mr. B and Pamela return home?
(a) Lady Davers has already left.
(b) Lady Davers is already in bed.
(c) Lady Davers is waiting to confront them.
(d) Lady Davers ignores them completely.

2. After Pamela brings Mr. Andrews up-to-date about the events and plans for her marriage, what does Mr. Andrews do with Pamela's letters?
(a) He promises to destroy them.
(b) He retuns them so she can destroy them.
(c) He returns them to her and she gives them to Mr. B.
(d) He promises to store them safely.

3. Apart from the gentry and Mr. Andrews, which other person visits Mr. B and Pamela shortly before the wedding?
(a) The clergyman.
(b) Mr. Jonathan.
(c) Mrs. Jervis.
(d) Mr. Williams.

4. What event occurs at the home of Pamela and Mr. B on the morning after the confrontation between Lady Davers and Pamela?
(a) Lady Davers appears in the room of Pamela and Mr. B and is enraged to find them together.
(b) Lady Davers has a quarrel with Mr. B.
(c) Lady Davers leaves without any word to Pamela and Mr. B.
(d) Lady Davers ignores Pamela and speaks only to Mr. B.

5. After Lady Davers makes her revelation and Mr. B storms out in anger, what appeal does Lady Davers make to Pamela?
(a) She asks Pamela to be her advocate as she tries to apologize to Mr. B.
(b) She asks Pamela to appeal to Mr. B to forgive her.
(c) She asks Pamela to go away and allow Mr. B to forget this mistake he has made by marrying her.
(d) She asks Pamela to leave Mr. B with Lady Davers so she can try to make amends for her behavior.

6. During an airing in the chariot, what impresses Pamela about Mr. B?
(a) His willingness to reinstate Mrs. Jervis.
(b) His attentiveness to her.
(c) His discussion of English authors.
(d) His provisions to take care of her parents.

7. When Pamela, Mr. B, and Mr. Andrews go out for an airing in the coach, what is the effect of Pamela's appearance on Mr. Andrews?
(a) He is stunned by her apperance.
(b) He is ashamed that he is too poor and his daughter doesn't fit in.
(c) He reminds her not to be vain.
(d) He does not recognize her because she is dressed, but he admires her greatly.

8. As Pamela settles down at her home in Bedfordshire and sets up her household, how does she demonstrate her ongoing commitment to her parents?
(a) Money and new clothes to travel
(b) She sends them money, an invitation to visit, and news that their creditors will be paid.
(c) Money and a coach to bring them for a visit.
(d) Money to pay their debts.

9. What concern has brought Pamela's father to visit in Section 10?
(a) That Mr. B will not follow through with the plan to marry her.
(b) That she is in danger with Mr. B.
(c) That she has been betrayed.
(d) That she will not be able to fit in.

10. As the first altercation between Pamela and Lady Davers escalates, how does Pamela get away from Lady Davers to meet her husband?
(a) She calls Jonathan to help her.
(b) She calls for Mrs. Jewkes to help her.
(c) She escapes through a window.
(d) She pushes Lady Davers out of her way.

11. Pamela overhears a conversation between Mr. B and Mrs. Jewkes in Section 8. What aspect of this conversation causes a change in her attitude to Mr. B?
(a) Lady Davers is appealing to Mr. B not to disgrace the family with any further rumors about Pamela and himself.
(b) Lady Davers is appealing to Mr. B to make an honest woman of Pamela.
(c) Mr. B refuses to go along with Mrs. Jewkes' suggestion that he should ruin Pamela.
(d) Mrs. Jewkes is appealing to Mr. B to save Pamela from disgrace.

12. How does Mr. Andrews feel after Pamela tells him all that has transpired leading to the plans for her marriage?
(a) He is happy to be reunited with Pamela but he is eager to return to tell his wife.
(b) He is distressed.
(c) He is still hostile to Mr. B.
(d) He is anxious about her safety.

13. Which of the following phrases best reflects the theme of the section of the novel in which Mr. B and Lady Davers have their confrontation and then overcome their disagreement?
(a) Prejudice.
(b) Conflict and Reconciliation.
(c) Conflict.
(d) Reconciliation.

14. According to Mr. B, how would a sham marriage have worked against him?
(a) He knew he would regret it eventually.
(b) His friend would have revealed the whole scheme.
(c) He would have felt guilty.
(d) Pamela would have been miserable and his children would be illegitimate.

15. As Mrs. Jewkes expresses her fears about how Pamela will treat her after being married to Mr. B, how does Pamela show her virtuous nature towards Mrs. Jewkes?
(a) She promises that they will be friends.
(b) She promises that she will hold no grudges.
(c) She promises to help her find work elsewhere.
(d) She promises to pray for her.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Section 11, which character is clearly opposed to the marriage between Mrs. B and Pamela?

2. In Section 14, how does Pamela respond when Lady Davers asks whether she loved Mr. B during her trials?

3. After her marriage, how does the author provide humor when Pamela tries to write Mrs. Jervis about her reinstatement?

4. Because the author treats the actual wedding in such an incidental way, this event could be described as a let-down or disappointment to readers expecting a big event. Which of the following terms would best describe such a let-down or disappointment?

5. What example of reconciliation takes place in Section 10, following conversations between Mr. B and one of his visitors?

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