Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 226 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 226 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 12: pages 301-344.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. While becoming more restricted by Mrs. Jewkes at Lincolnshire, how does Pamela try to get help?
(a) She writes to Sir Simon.
(b) She write to Mr. Longman.
(c) She asks Mrs Jewkes to help her.
(d) She identifies a sober clergyman whom she trusts to help her.

2. After Mr. B examines and comments on Pamela's papers during their encounter in the garden, how does the incident end?
(a) Mr. B discovers the true virtue of Pamela and apologizes for everything.
(b) Mrs. Jewkes turns up just as they are about to kiss.
(c) Mr. B offers to kiss Pamela but she recalls the sham marriage plan and rejects him, leading to his anger.
(d) Pamela sees a change in him and allows him to kiss her.

3. Pamela's worries about Mr. B's safety and about what he might have heard from Mrs. Jewkes about Pamela, suggest that she has mixed feelings about Mr. B even though he has been so brutal to her; which of the following literary devices is exemplified in this situation?
(a) Irony.
(b) Metaphor.
(c) Sarcasm.
(d) Foreshadowing.

4. Which of the following literary devices is used by the author when he creates a situation in which Mrs. Jewkes is to become Pamela's servant, following Mrs. Jewkes' evil treatment of Pamela?
(a) Irony.
(b) Sarcasm.
(c) Paradox.
(d) Antithesis.

5. As Mr. B makes his new approach to Pamela, what are the financial arrangements outlined in the articles of his proposition?
(a) He will give her five hundred guineas.
(b) He will pay Pamela a stipend each month.
(c) He will contribute to paying off the debts of Pamela's parents.
(d) He will pay Pamela's father a fixed sum to cover Pamela's expenses.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Mr. B's first response to seeing Pamela writing to her parents?

2. At the beginning of Section 6, what tragedy befalls Mr. Williams?

3. How do the members of the gentry show support for the pending marriage?

4. How does Pamela react after she overhears the conversation between Mrs. Jewkes and Mr. B?

5. In Section 4, when Pamela hears of the possibility of Mr. B visiting Lincolnshire, how does she try to end the problems between her and Mr. B?

(see the answer key)

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