Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 226 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 226 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 12: pages 301-344.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mr. B first offer Pamela in fulfillment of his mother's wishes?
(a) Four guineas.
(b) To pay her way home.
(c) A job in his sister's house.
(d) Clothes.

2. Pamela overhears a conversation between Mr. B and Mrs. Jewkes in Section 8. What aspect of this conversation causes a change in her attitude to Mr. B?
(a) Lady Davers is appealing to Mr. B not to disgrace the family with any further rumors about Pamela and himself.
(b) Mr. B refuses to go along with Mrs. Jewkes' suggestion that he should ruin Pamela.
(c) Lady Davers is appealing to Mr. B to make an honest woman of Pamela.
(d) Mrs. Jewkes is appealing to Mr. B to save Pamela from disgrace.

3. Following his marriage to Pamela, how is Mr. B's generosity revealed?
(a) Through his gifts to the servants.
(b) Through his gifts to Pamela, her parents and the servants.
(c) Through his gifts to Pamela.
(d) Through his gift to the church.

4. After being confronted by Pamela, what does Robin do about his assistance to Mr. B and his scheme against Pamela?
(a) He apologizes.
(b) He explains that he has no choice but to help Mr. B.
(c) He tells Pamela that he will make it up to her by helping her.
(d) He promises to stop helping Mr. B.

5. What are the significant aspects of the conversations between Mr. B and the third visitor prior to the marriage between Mr. B and Pamela?
(a) He is asked to bless the new chapel.
(b) He is to exonerate Mr. B for his past wrongs.
(c) Mr. B invites him to dinner, gives permission for him to be friends with Pamela, and invites him to officiate at the chapel.
(d) He is asked to give away Pamela.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Pamela's response to the idea proposed by Mr. Williams?

2. As the marriage between Mr. B and Pamela looms and then becomes reality, which character continues to worry that Pamela will treat him / her badly because of past wrongs done to Pamela?

3. After Pamela's rejection of Mr. B's proposition, Mr B renews his attempt to take liberties with her, resulting in Pamela's fainting. What new worries face Pamela after this incident?

4. What attitude does Mr. B show towards Pamela's virtue in Section 3 as she prepares to go home?

5. How does Pamela react after she overhears the conversation between Mrs. Jewkes and Mr. B?

(see the answer key)

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