Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 226 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 226 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 3: pages 57-85.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Section 3, of what does Mr. B accuse Pamela when he sees her dressed up at the dinner party?
(a) He says she has worn clothes without his permission.
(b) He says she is a hypocrite for wearing disguises to attract him while pretending to reject his advances.
(c) He says she has lied about where she got her clothes.
(d) He says she has dressed up to attract men.

2. In the preface to the novel, what phrase is used to describe the category to which it belongs?
(a) Coming of age.
(b) Novel of manners.
(c) Romance.
(d) Picaresque.

3. What is the alternative title of the novel?
(a) The Benefits of Virtue.
(b) Or Virtue Rewarded.
(c) Virtue Tested.
(d) Virtue Seduced.

4. By the end of Section 1, Pamela is established as the main character pursuing a goal and Mr. B as the character who is presenting obstacles to her accomplishing her goal. Which of the following pair of words best describes these two roles?
(a) Lead Roles.
(b) Protagonist and villain.
(c) Protagonist and antagonist.
(d) Heroine and villain.

5. What is the response of Pamela's parents to her first letter?
(a) They advise her to come home.
(b) They advise her to confide in one of the older servants.
(c) They advise her to confide in Lady Davers.
(d) They warn her to be careful of Mr. B.

Short Answer Questions

1. After the dinner party when Mr B disguises himself and frightens Pamela, how does she react?

2. When given the opportunity to apologize for her insolence and continue working, what does Mrs. Jervis do?

3. How does Pamela react to the attempts of the ladies to see her at the dinner party?

4. In what century was "Pamela" written?

5. What incident that occurs in Section 2, does Mr. B ask Pamela to keep a secret?

(see the answer key)

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(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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