Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 226 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 226 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 13: pages 344-372.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Section 4 when Mr. B writes to Mr. Andrews, what does Mr. B allege about the liberties he has taken with Pamela?
(a) He claims that they did not occur.
(b) He denies that they were serious.
(c) He claims that Pamela is to blame for them.
(d) He claims that Pamela misunderstood his intentions.

2. What does Pamela learn through a letter from Mr. Williams about the gentry and their attitude toward her situation?
(a) They are sorry for her.
(b) They consider her an outsider.
(c) They are willing to help her.
(d) They regret her situation but are unwilling to anger Mr. B by helping her.

3. In whom does Pamela confide about the incident with Mr. B?
(a) Mrs. Jervis.
(b) Lady Davers.
(c) Mrs. Jewkes.
(d) Jonathan.

4. What incident that occurs in Section 2, does Mr. B ask Pamela to keep a secret?
(a) His promise to keep her on as a maid.
(b) The offer of employment by Lady Danvers.
(c) His attempt to kiss her.
(d) His threat to dismiss her.

5. Despite the progression of events and discussions leading towards his marriage to Pamela, what lingering concern regarding Mr. Williams does Mr. B express to Pamela?
(a) Mr. Williams might accuse Mr. B of causing his troubles.
(b) Mr. Williams might accuse Pamela of causing his troubles.
(c) She might have done something to encourage his proposal.
(d) She might have damaged her reputation with him.

Short Answer Questions

1. As the marriage between Mr. B and Pamela looms and then becomes reality, which character continues to worry that Pamela will treat him / her badly because of past wrongs done to Pamela?

2. According to the articles contained in Mr. B's proposition to Pamela, where will Pamela's property be located?

3. About what does Mr. B write to Pamela while she is waiting to go home in Section 5?

4. After returning to Mr. B at Lincolnshire, what happens when Pamela visits Mr. B at the beginning of Section 9?

5. As a result of the altercation with Lady Davers, Pamela is late to meet Mr. B at tea with Mr. Simons. How does Mr. B react when Pamela arrives late?

(see the answer key)

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