Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. In "A Tavern in VIla Rica," about how old is Dr. Rosa?
2. Who does Luiza say she is the granddaughter of?
3. How large is the snake that prevents Almeyda from taking a trail in "An Anaconda Keeps Her from Taking That Trail"?
4. What does Garimpeira come down with in "A Tavern in Vila Rica"?
5. In "Turiri," how long is Almeyda in an Indian village before she meets Zune?
Short Essay Questions
1. How does Almeyda end up staying in an Indian village for about a month in "Turiri"?
2. How is Almeyda arrested in Vila Rica?
3. What does Luiza tell the housekeeper from the Carvalho plantation to do about a child she found who will not speak?
4. Why does Garimpeira collapse and how does she recover?
5. In "Science, Magic, and Foolishness," why is Mrs. Florence Pepperell in Brazil?
6. How is Almeyda finally allowed into Luiza's library and what is inside?
7. What do Mauritia and Almeyda hear and where are they in "Aldeia de Visita?
8. What happened to Anninho after he was set on shore in North Africa by pirates?
9. How do Luiza and Almeyda travel to Bahia in "Nautch Girls"?
10. Why is Luiza unable to help the wife of a bushwhacking captain?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
In addition to her mother and grandmother, Almeyda has other women who serve as role models in her life. Who are some of the women who are role models in Almeyda’s life? What influence do they have on her and why is their influence important?
Essay Topic 2
Luiza and Almeyda’s healing powers seem to come from different sources. How do the women compare as healers?
Essay Topic 3
Almeyda wonders if Luiza is a witch. Why does Almeyda wonder if Luiza is a witch? Is Luiza a witch?
This section contains 905 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |