Palmares Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Palmares Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What languages did Martim Anninho's father teach him to write in?
(a) English and Portuguese.
(b) Arabic, English, and Portuguese.
(c) Arabic and English.
(d) Arabic and Portuguese.

2. After Almeyda's maleria attack, what does Anninho bring her?
(a) Passion fruit and fresh butter.
(b) Gurana and fresh butter.
(c) Guava and fresh butter.
(d) Oranges and fresh butter.

3. In "A Disillusioned and Sadistic Man," from where does Alymeyda watch Father Tollinare and Mexia?
(a) Bushes.
(b) Front room.
(c) Tree.
(d) Hallway.

4. To whom does Captain Goncalo write Dr. Johann in introduction?
(a) Captain Pereira.
(b) Captain Botelho.
(c) Captain Vieyra.
(d) Captain Moreira.

5. What does Grandmother give Barcala Aprigo?
(a) Honey and turmeric.
(b) Honey and curcumin.
(c) Honey and ginger.
(d) Honey and cinnamon.

6. In "Men from the Quilombo," what is Almeyda given to drink that she has never had before?
(a) Cow's milk.
(b) Coffee.
(c) Tea.
(d) Goat's milk.

7. In "Mercado," when Acaiba is sold what is she wearing other than two wide pieces of cloth?
(a) Hat and earrings.
(b) Scarf.
(c) Cape.
(d) Hat and necklace.

8. Who tells Pedro to go on in "Pedro the Third"?
(a) Anninho.
(b) A man walking on the street.
(c) Almeyda's grandmother.
(d) A woman walking on the street.

9. Who does Father Tollinare believe is setting the fires in "A Disillusioned and Sadistic Man"?
(a) A young boy.
(b) A young girl.
(c) Rafael.
(d) Mexia.

10. In "The Stranger," how often does a traveling man come to make ado over a woman who has a baby?
(a) 4 times a year.
(b) 3 times a year.
(c) 12 times a year.
(d) 2 times a year.

11. Who is a guest in "Lice Scratching"?
(a) Duttch planter.
(b) Russian nobleman.
(c) French planter.
(d) English nobleman.

12. What does Anninho get from a man at a tavern?
(a) Whale oil.
(b) Coffee.
(c) Sugar.
(d) Weapons.

13. In "Luiza Cosme," where has Luiza been mutilated?
(a) Pinkie finger.
(b) Ear.
(c) Toe.
(d) Thumb.

14. How long does Goncalo P. take Martina as his mistress?
(a) 6 years.
(b) 7 years.
(c) 4 years.
(d) 5 years.

15. In "Of the White Woman from Porto Calvo and Other Women, Black and White," how many white women do the men have when they return?
(a) 1.
(b) 4.
(c) 2.
(d) 3.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "A High Post in the Government," where had Alejandro who use to be one of Father Tollinare's students been sent to study?

2. In "A Fanatical Man," how many Indian women are at German's mud and grass hut?

3. In "Fazendo and the Indian Woman Who Was Not Touched by Mascarenhas," what does the woman give Alymeyda when she wakes her?

4. In "A Man Is Brought Back; An Old Woman's Stories of Brutality," what color dress does Nobrega give Almeyda to wear?

5. How old is Alymeda's grandmother in "The Place of Men and Women"?

(see the answer keys)

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