Palmares Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Palmares Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Mrs. Iaiyesimi say the clarinet was invented?
(a) 1692.
(b) 1690.
(c) 1684.
(d) 1688.

2. In "The Gathering of Turtle Eggs," about how old was the girl found wandering on the beach that Almeyda's grandmother nursed back to health?
(a) Perhaps 10.
(b) About 12.
(c) Almost 11.
(d) Maybe 9.

3. How far does the messenger from Aprigio say the Paulistas are from Porto Calvo?
(a) 16 leagues.
(b) 8 leagues.
(c) 10 leagues.
(d) 19 leagues.

4. How long was the woman's husband gone in "Lice Scratching"?
(a) 8 months.
(b) 19 months.
(c) 15 months.
(d) 4 months.

5. In "Josef de Azarza, or a Fate Remains Unknown," what does Old Vera bring back from hunting?
(a) Rabbit.
(b) Snake.
(c) Raccoon.
(d) Squirrel.

6. What does Alymeda's grandmother buy with gold dust in "Gold"?
(a) Tobacco.
(b) Olive oil.
(c) Wheaten flour.
(d) Brandy.

7. What is Zibatra wearing when Almeyda sees her after going for a walk?
(a) Long silk dress.
(b) Long cotton dress.
(c) Long dress with a fringe of velvet.
(d) Long dress with lace.

8. What does Mexia wear around the waist of her dress?
(a) Red belt.
(b) Black string.
(c) Red string.
(d) Black belt.

9. In "Lice Scratching," where does a man send his wife so he can live with his Black mistress?
(a) Wine Cellar.
(b) Basement.
(c) Convent.
(d) Prison.

10. In "Lice Scratching," what does Madriaga string for rosaries?
(a) Palm nuts.
(b) Wood.
(c) Beads.
(d) Stones.

11. Who is a guest in "Lice Scratching"?
(a) Russian nobleman.
(b) French planter.
(c) English nobleman.
(d) Duttch planter.

12. What color eyes does the man have who visits the casa grande and can do tricks on a horse?
(a) Gray.
(b) Black.
(c) Blue.
(d) Green.

13. In "A Fanatical Man," how many Indian women are at German's mud and grass hut?
(a) 6.
(b) 4.
(c) 7.
(d) 5.

14. In "The Stranger," how often does a traveling man come to make ado over a woman who has a baby?
(a) 3 times a year.
(b) 4 times a year.
(c) 12 times a year.
(d) 2 times a year.

15. In "Pao Joaquim," why is Alymeda's grandmother taken away?
(a) They think she stole things.
(b) She has to heal someone.
(c) They think she has been setting fires.
(d) She is sick.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Luiza Cosme," where has Luiza been mutilated?

2. In "Malaria Fever; Dreams of Escape and Capture; of Zumbi, the Chieftain," what does Almeyda dream is being built?

3. In "Pedro the Third," what does Almeyda see Pedro the THird carrying when she sees him walking down the street in front of her house?

4. In "Mercado," when Acaiba is sold what is she wearing other than two wide pieces of cloth?

5. In "A Disillusioned and Sadistic Man," from where does Alymeyda watch Father Tollinare and Mexia?

(see the answer keys)

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