Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. In this section, Kinbote gives an extended, negative critique of what?
2. John Shade says, "There's nothing wrong with shedding a dismal past to substitute pleasing _________?"
3. What ailment troubles Gradus when he arrives in New Wye?
4. According to Kinbote, who gives Gradus a ride?
5. Charles Kinbote writes a brief play about what event?
Short Essay Questions
1. What is odd about the way Kinbote tells the story of Gradus?
2. Briefly recount Gradus' experience on the day he killed Shade, as told by Kinbote.
3. How does Gradus learn the location of the king?
4. Briefly summarize the conversation Kinbote overhears between Shade and Mrs. Hurley, and its relevance to "Pale Fire."
5. How does Kinbote summarize Canto Four?
6. What does Kinbote relate to the death of Hazel?
7. What does Kinbote think about John Shade's lack of religion?
8. What do you think of Kinbote's disregard for psychoanalysis?
9. What happens when Gradus and his commanders try to send coded messages?
10. Who does Disa mirror in Kinbote's life?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Charles Kinbote is an unreliable narrator.
Cite specific examples of how Vladimir Nabokov portrays Kinbote as an unreliable narrator.
Do you think this tactic was effective for the story? Why or why not?
How would the novel, Pale Fire, have been different if Kinbote was a reliable narrator?
Why did Nabokov choose to portray Kinbote the way he did?
Essay Topic 2
Using specific examples from the book, describe how Nabokov uses color and climate to describe the setting and characters in Pale Fire, both in the poem and in the commentary.
Do you think this is effective? Why or why not?
Essay Topic 3
Discuss the assonance and consonance in the poem "Pale Fire." How does Nabokov use these literary tools throughout the poem?
This section contains 694 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |