Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Charles Kinbote thinks the reference to "that crystal land" in line 12 refers to what place?
2. Which of the following best describes the pervading theme of Canto Four?
3. What animal did Shade's parents study?
4. Following the death of King Charles' mother, Queen Blenda, a seance is held for what purpose?
5. Which of the following most closely describes Kinbote's depiction by university drama students?
Short Essay Questions
1. Briefly describe the supernatural occurrences in Canto Two.
2. What was the original use of the secret passageway in the Zemblan castle? Where does it lead?
3. What is significant about the bird in Canto One?
4. Describe John Shade's daughter.
5. What are two major criticisms John Shade has of his students? How is this ironic?
6. Briefly describe Fleur.
7. Briefly describe John Shade's vision of the after-life.
8. Name some sports at which Kinbote is proficient.
9. Briefly describe the IPH.
10. Describe John Shade's writing process.
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Reflection is a major motif of the fictional poem "Pale Fire," and in the novel's commentary and foreword.
Give specific examples of Nabokov's use of reflection as it pertains to looking back at past events?
How does Nabokov use reflection in terms of mirror images or opposites?
How do these two interpretations of reflection work together in Shade's writing, and Kinbote's commentary?
Essay Topic 2
Write an argument supporting the claim that Charles Kinbote is in fact the assassin. Use examples from the text.
Essay Topic 3
How does Nabokov use references of other literary works in his novel Pale Fire? Give as many examples of references to other works as you can from the text, and describe what Nabokov accomplishes by including them in the novel.
This section contains 805 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |