Pale Fire Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pale Fire Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of the following, what do John Shade and the assassin have in common?
(a) They both were orphaned.
(b) They both had aunts who were put in an asylum.
(c) They were both born in Russia.
(d) They were both Zemblan kings.

2. John Shade criticizes his students for which of the following transgressions?
(a) Talking about Zembla.
(b) Writing "irony" in the margins of their books.
(c) Using cliches.
(d) Reading stupidly.

3. How did King Alfin the Vague die?
(a) He committed suicide.
(b) He was assassinated.
(c) In a plane crash.
(d) He had a stroke.

4. What does Kinbote give John Shade for his birthday?
(a) A book of poetry.
(b) A drawing of King Charles' castle.
(c) A gown.
(d) A chess board.

5. How do the people of Zembla aid in King Charles' flight?
(a) They dress like him to serve as decoys.
(b) They create a distraction with a hot air balloon.
(c) They provide Charles refuge along the way.
(d) They fight off the Extremists.

6. Charles Kinbote "mercifully " attributes this name to one professor, perhaps due to his green jacket.
(a) Dr. Nattochdag.
(b) Jim Coates.
(c) Green Velvet.
(d) Gerald Emerald.

7. Of the following, what do King Charles and John Shade have in common?
(a) Both lost their father at an early age.
(b) They are both Zemblan royalty.
(c) Both were loved by their followers.
(d) Both had daughters who died at an early age.

8. John Shade's aunt is best described as what?
(a) Religious.
(b) Eccentric.
(c) Wicked.
(d) Agnostic.

9. Who is King Alfin the Vague's son?
(a) John Shade.
(b) King Charles.
(c) Charles Kinbote.
(d) Dr. Sutton.

10. Who is the previous inhabitant of Charles Kinbote's house?
(a) Dr. Sutton.
(b) The King of Zembla.
(c) Wordsmith University's gardener.
(d) Judge Goldsmith.

11. During the forward Charles Kinbote oddly notes that he is distracted by who/what?
(a) A squirrel.
(b) Shadeans.
(c) An amusement park.
(d) Sybill Shade.

12. How does John Shade understand his life?
(a) Through religion.
(b) Through his poetry.
(c) Through the love of his daughter.
(d) Through his wife's love.

13. Charles Kinbote assumes John Shade wanted to write a great deal more about Zembla, but did not. Who or what does Kinbote attribute this too?
(a) Communists.
(b) Poor translation from Zemblan to English.
(c) John Shade's wife.
(d) The Shadeans.

14. In the commentary to Line 181, Shade produces a book by what author and shows it to Sybil Shade?
(a) Vladimir Nabokov.
(b) John Shade.
(c) Proust.
(d) William Shakespeare.

15. Kinbote leaves his blinds open to give him a better view of what?
(a) The library.
(b) Garden Avenue.
(c) The gardener.
(d) The Shade's living room.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who makes sexual advances on King Charles during the commentary to line 149?

2. Which of the following best describes the pervading theme of Canto Four?

3. John Shade reads an article written by this person about a woman who had a similar vision?

4. Which best describes Kinbote's reason for rejecting the offer by the first potential publisher of "Pale Fire"?

5. Which of the following best describes John Shade's daughter?

(see the answer keys)

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