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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Commentary, Line 681: gloomy Russians spied through Line 691: the attack.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Charles Kinbote thinks the reference to "that crystal land" in line 12 refers to what place?
(a) Quebec.
(b) New Wye.
(c) Zembla.
(d) Russia.
2. How do the extremists try to prevent King Charles from leaving the country?
(a) They search all trains.
(b) They outlaw driving.
(c) They search all caves.
(d) They close all the airports.
3. What happens to John Shade's aunt?
(a) She falls down the stairs and breaks her hip.
(b) She has a stroke and is moved to a sanitarium.
(c) She has a heart attack and dies.
(d) She drowns in a lake.
4. Kinbote is what religion?
(a) Zemblan.
(b) Buddhist.
(c) Marxist.
(d) Christian.
5. King Alfin the Vague was an amateur______ .
(a) Pilot.
(b) Poet.
(c) Ornothologist.
(d) Gardener.
Short Answer Questions
1. Where did Kinbote and Shade meet?
2. Charles Kinbote assumes John Shade wanted to write a great deal more about Zembla, but did not. Who or what does Kinbote attribute this too?
3. Which of the following is not mentioned by Shade in Canto One?
4. Kinbote leaves his blinds open to give him a better view of what?
5. Where does Kinbote find the term "Tangra dust?"
This section contains 236 words (approx. 1 page at 300 words per page) |