Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What prayer does Paddy state that he prefers over others?
2. Where does Paddy light Sinbad's lips on fire?
3. What item does Paddy's father own that is in a red box?
4. What personal element do Paddy and his da have in common?
5. What is one of the issues that Paddy and his da like to discuss?
Short Essay Questions
1. Using details from the text to support your answer, describe Mr. Hennessey, Paddy's teacher.
2. Describe some of the acts that Paddy and his friends committed that shows they were the town's troublemakers.
3. What action during the family picnic causes Paddy to ruin Sinbad's biscuits? How does Paddy ruin the biscuits?
4. Describe the scene that ensues after the first two boys leave the nurse's office after having their marks checked.
5. Using details from the text, describe what happens when Paddy and Kevin enter the nurse's office to have their marks checked.
6. How does Paddy react when he is stung by a jellyfish?
7. Paddy states in the novel that the story of Father Damien was the best story Paddy ever read. Why does Paddy enjoy this story?
8. On some Fridays, Paddy's school would show a movie for the end of the day. What usually happened when the movies were shown?
9. Why doesn't Paddy ever answer Kevin's questions?
10. Describe Paddy and Sinbad's relationship using examples from the text to support your answer.
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Explain the story of Father Damien and describe what kind of role model Father Damien was for Paddy.
Essay Topic 2
Paddy changes throughout the story. In what ways does Paddy change? Does his change represent the elements in his life that he has no control over or is his change typical child development?
Essay Topic 3
Using details from the text, describe how American influence played a role in the novel. Was it just a one time occurrence or were there several occurrences? List any occurrences that may have appeared and use details from the text and class discussion to support your answer.
This section contains 1,155 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |