Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha Test | Final Test - Medium

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Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who do the boys try to hurt by making a voodoo doll?
(a) Ian's parents.
(b) Paddy's parents.
(c) Kevin's parents.
(d) Edward Swanwick.

2. On what day of the week does Paddy's da bring home food?
(a) Thursdays.
(b) Fridays.
(c) Mondays.
(d) Wednesdays.

3. Paddy and his friends think the rooster is what type of chicken?
(a) The eejit chicken.
(b) The cool chicken.
(c) The king chicken.
(d) The bad chicken.

4. What question does Paddy ask Sinbad when they are talking in bed one night?
(a) If Sinbad ever showed his ma his paper from school.
(b) If Sinbad likes being called Sinbad.
(c) If Sinbad loves Paddy.
(d) If Sinbad forgives Paddy.

5. What time does Mr. Hennessey tell Paddy he needs to be in bed by?
(a) Eight.
(b) Nine.
(c) Half-seven.
(d) Half-eight.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why do the boys steal from Cyril the butcher?

2. Why couldn't Paddy hit Sinbad anymore after the food offering went awry?

3. Who teaches Paddy to ride his bike?

4. What nearby neighborhood do the boys travel to in order to get lost?

5. What word does Paddy repeat to himself over and over when his parents are fighting?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the fight between Paddy and his new classmate.

2. One day Paddy and Sinbad find an object under their parents' bed. Using details from the text, describe what they find under the bed and what happens thereafter.

3. Why doesn't Paddy want to visit the zoo again?

4. Using details from the text, describe Paddy and his ma's discussion about an unused room in their house.

5. Why does Paddy begin staying awake all night?

6. What is causing the boys' play territory to become smaller?

7. One day Paddy wakes up to find the kitchen is still a mess. How does Paddy react to the situation?

8. On several occasions, Sinbad and Paddy ask their parents for a dog. Describe the conversation that finally leads them to stop asking for a dog.

9. What steps does Paddy take to prevent his parents' fighting?

10. Explain why the boys felt that the dogs had their tails docked. What is Sinbad's opinion regarding the matter?

(see the answer keys)

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