Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who falls asleep one day when Mr. Hennessey tells the class to lay their heads down so he can talk to another teacher?
(a) James O'Keefe.
(b) Ian McEvoy.
(c) Patrick Clarke.
(d) Kevin Conroy.

2. What do Paddy and his friends call their teacher?
(a) Spa.
(b) Drunk.
(c) Henno.
(d) Jerk.

3. How does Paddy's ma fasten Paddy's trousers when she cannot zip them?
(a) She uses a belt to hold the sides together.
(b) By sewing the sides together.
(c) By using elastic.
(d) With a safety pin.

4. What does the fella who went to Africa come back with in his stomach?
(a) Worms.
(b) Flies.
(c) Maggots.
(d) Lizards.

5. What type of sandwiches does the Clarke family eat on their picnic?
(a) Chicken salad.
(b) Egg.
(c) Tuna.
(d) Ham and cheese.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose questions does Paddy never rush to answer?

2. Why does Paddy use a small spoon when eating ice cream?

3. When Paddy is swimming at the beginning of the novel, what is he stung by?

4. How old is Paddy's da in the novel?

5. What personal element do Paddy and his da have in common?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why doesn't Paddy ever answer Kevin's questions?

2. Using details from the text, describe what happens when Paddy and Kevin enter the nurse's office to have their marks checked.

3. Describe the ceremony that Paddy and his friends sometimes played on Fridays.

4. Describe the scene that ensues after the first two boys leave the nurse's office after having their marks checked.

5. When does Paddy's da usually teach Paddy new songs and what are some of the songs Paddy's father taught him?

6. What happens to Kevin's brother when he gets into big trouble?

7. Using details from the text, describe how Paddy's fort under the table is an indication that Paddy still wants to be a child.

8. How does Paddy react when he is stung by a jellyfish?

9. What action during the family picnic causes Paddy to ruin Sinbad's biscuits? How does Paddy ruin the biscuits?

10. What are some of the random facts that Paddy tells the reader he learned from reading?

(see the answer keys)

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