Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha Test | Final Test - Easy

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Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What country does one of Paddy's uncles move to?
(a) France.
(b) Japan.
(c) Australia.
(d) Germany.

2. Which student from another class does Mr. Hennessey bring into Paddy's class?
(a) Sinbad.
(b) Amy O'Harra.
(c) Ian McEnvy.
(d) Edward Swanwick.

3. What inanimate object does Paddy feel that Sinbad is?
(a) A statue.
(b) A chair.
(c) A table.
(d) A pillar.

4. Why doesn't Paddy find giving dead legs funny anymore?
(a) He's seen it too much.
(b) He knows how they feel.
(c) He's tired of them.
(d) He likes hurting people other ways now.

5. After Paddy and Sinbad's conversation in bed one night, what name does Paddy start calling Sinbad?
(a) Fred.
(b) Fatso.
(c) Frank.
(d) Francis.

6. How does Paddy like his eggs?
(a) Dry.
(b) Runny.
(c) Sunnyside up.
(d) Scrambled.

7. What type of dog does Ian have?
(a) Great Dane.
(b) German Shepard.
(c) Pit Bull.
(d) Jack Russell.

8. What are the two new students' names that are placed in Paddy's class during his second year with Mr. Hennessey?
(a) Sam Youths and Curtis Haywood.
(b) Amy O'Harra and Sarah James.
(c) Charles Leavy and Sean Whelan.
(d) No new students were added to the class.

9. How long does Paddy's ma wait when the babies start to cry before going to check on them?
(a) 75 seconds.
(b) 60 seconds.
(c) 90 seconds.
(d) 45 seconds.

10. What doesn't Paddy have at home that he is afraid to confess to his classmates and teacher?
(a) A television.
(b) A ma.
(c) A phone.
(d) A car.

11. What item does Paddy's da give Paddy for his birthday?
(a) A George Best book.
(b) A soccer ball.
(c) Five dollars.
(d) A record player.

12. How many days a week is Paddy responsible for washing the dishes?
(a) Seven.
(b) Three.
(c) Four.
(d) One.

13. When Paddy offers Sinbad the food and Sinbad continues to ignore Paddy, what does Paddy do?
(a) Pushes Sinbad to the floor.
(b) Hugs Sinbad.
(c) Smacks Sinbad.
(d) Dead-legs Sinbad.

14. What is Ian's dog's name?
(a) Ian Jr.
(b) Magic.
(c) Benson.
(d) Charlie.

15. What is under Paddy and Sinbad's parents' bed?
(a) A mouse.
(b) A hideaway bed.
(c) A large brown suitcase.
(d) A huge trunk filled with pictures.

Short Answer Questions

1. What time does Mr. Hennessey tell Paddy he needs to be in bed by?

2. What complimentary phrases does Paddy's da say often to the boys when they do something he's proud of?

3. Why does Paddy feel like their da won the first fight Paddy ever listened to his parents have?

4. What does Paddy wake up to one morning that throws off his routine for the entire day?

5. On what day of the week does Paddy's da bring home food?

(see the answer keys)

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