Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha Test | Final Test - Easy

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Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which student from another class does Mr. Hennessey bring into Paddy's class?
(a) Amy O'Harra.
(b) Sinbad.
(c) Ian McEnvy.
(d) Edward Swanwick.

2. After Paddy falls asleep in class, what food item does Paddy offer Sinbad?
(a) A ham sandwich.
(b) A biscuit.
(c) Ice cream.
(d) Chocolate.

3. How many Patricks are in Paddy's class at school?
(a) 7.
(b) 5.
(c) 1.
(d) 4.

4. What truth does Sinbad always deny, even when Paddy tells him repeatedly that it is the truth?
(a) That their parents fight.
(b) That Sinbad is the oldest.
(c) That Paddy loves him.
(d) That their da is a drunk.

5. What country does Paddy want to visit when he grows up?
(a) Italy.
(b) United States.
(c) France.
(d) Africa.

6. What crime does Sinbad commit without Paddy?
(a) Putting sugar in a gas tank.
(b) Stealing from a store.
(c) Breaking a window.
(d) Lighting a fire.

7. How long does Paddy's ma wait when the babies start to cry before going to check on them?
(a) 45 seconds.
(b) 90 seconds.
(c) 75 seconds.
(d) 60 seconds.

8. When Paddy offers Sinbad the food and Sinbad continues to ignore Paddy, what does Paddy do?
(a) Pushes Sinbad to the floor.
(b) Hugs Sinbad.
(c) Dead-legs Sinbad.
(d) Smacks Sinbad.

9. Why couldn't Paddy hit Sinbad anymore after the food offering went awry?
(a) Paddy thought someone was watching.
(b) Paddy promised Sinbad he would not hit him anymore.
(c) Paddy didn't care.
(d) Paddy loved Sinbad.

10. What complimentary phrases does Paddy's da say often to the boys when they do something he's proud of?
(a) I'm proud of you.
(b) Way to go.
(c) Good man.
(d) Right-o.

11. Why do the boys steal from Cyril the butcher?
(a) To save Ian's guinea pig.
(b) For the fun of it.
(c) To stab one of the corporation children.
(d) To have a picnic.

12. After Paddy and Sinbad's conversation in bed one night, what name does Paddy start calling Sinbad?
(a) Fred.
(b) Frank.
(c) Fatso.
(d) Francis.

13. How many dogs are in Barrytown?
(a) 15.
(b) 36.
(c) 12.
(d) 27.

14. What is Ian's dog's name?
(a) Magic.
(b) Ian Jr.
(c) Benson.
(d) Charlie.

15. What does Paddy wake up to one morning that throws off his routine for the entire day?
(a) His baby sister is crying.
(b) A fight between his parents.
(c) His parents aren't home.
(d) A dirty house.

Short Answer Questions

1. What mode of transportation becomes important to Paddy and his friends as they grow older?

2. What relation does Paddy claim to the child who drowned in the pond?

3. What inanimate object does Paddy feel that Sinbad is?

4. Which classmate does Paddy want to impress?

5. Why does Paddy have red eyes in class?

(see the answer keys)

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