Pacific Vortex Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pacific Vortex Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Dirk discover on the bodies of two the men from the sea that he kills?

2. What does Dirk discover attached to the handrail on the side of the ship at the battle between the Martha Ann's crew and the men from the sea?

3. What does Boland want Dirk to do before the invasion of the Martha Ann begins?

4. How does the Starbuck break free of the ocean floor?

5. How does Frederick Moran die?

Short Essay Questions

1. In both Chapters 9 and 10, Dirk endeavors to get his way by assuring the Naval men that he "will take full responsibility." Why does this seem to be the easiest way for Dirk to gain their compliance?

2. What are the two most important words in the English language according to Dirk? How do they serve Dirk in the battle with the men from the sea in his hotel room?

3. How does LCDR Crowhaven get in touch with Pearl Harbor in spite of Delphi's lock on their radio transmissions? What is the code he uses to communicate with ADM Hunter over the open wires?

4. Who or what is Selma Snoop?

5. How does Pitt know that the Martha Ann is out of radio contact with the world?

6. What does Dirk fear lays in store for the Martha Ann? What information is he now armed with that may help? What does he still not know that could be fatal?

7. How do Summer's divided loyalties express themselves in their final moments in the doomed seamount as the missiles hit and the mountain begins to crumble?

8. What changes ADM Hunter's mind about obeying the destroy orders from the joint Chiefs in Washington D.C.?

9. How does LCDR Crowhaven's attitude change from his frame of mind on the plane, once he is within sight of the submarine and Dirk lets him know that this is where he [Dirk] gets off?

10. In his description of the attack, Dirk notices something significant that could immeasurably assist the crew of the Martha Ann to prevent the boarding of the men from the sea. What is it and how could it be turned into an opportunity for the crew?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Dirk refers to the salvage operations on the Thresher, the Bluefin, the Scorpion, and the submarine F-4. What are these boats or ships and what happened to them? How are they relevant to the sinking (and raising) of the Starbuck?

Essay Topic 2

Analyze the concept the title embodies. Things to consider in your response: What is the REAL "pacific vortex"? How does it compare to the Pacific Vortex that Cussler describes? How does it compare to the Bermuda Triangle? Is "vortex" a good name for or description of the activities at Delphi's seamount? In other words, have the sailors in the book come up with an appropriate name? Why or why not?

Essay Topic 3

"Willing suspension of disbelief" is a necessary frame of mind for any reader or viewer of fiction material. However, in spite of accepting certain fantastic occurrences, readers will often begin to resist small strains on their credulity. Why does this kind of resistance begin to build in the mind of the reader? Analyze the concept of "willing suspension of disbelief" and why it is necessary to enjoy the book. Analyze your own responses to "unbelievable" parts of the book.

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