Pacific Vortex Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pacific Vortex Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Crowhaven manage to get in touch with ADM Hunter?
(a) Via the NWS weather radio frequency.
(b) Via a commercial radio station in Honolulu.
(c) By calling the Coast Guard.
(d) Using Morse code through a late night ham radio operator.

2. The Martha Ann has 20 feet of freeboard, making attack from the surface difficult according to LCDR Boland. What is freeboard?
(a) The ladders over the side of her hull.
(b) The lip of the deck that juts out over the hull.
(c) The ship's height from water surface to the top of her superstructure.
(d) The distance from the first deck of the ship to the surface of the water.

3. How does Frederick Moran die?
(a) Delphi shoots him when he becomes too old to serve Delphi's evil purpose any longer.
(b) He kills himself.
(c) He drowns when a pump fails and the tunnel floods.
(d) He dies of a heart attack at age 76.

4. What causes the current that injures Dirk and Al?
(a) Natural underwater river.
(b) Delphi's protective current barrier, similar in function to a moat around a castle.
(c) Power turbine's exhaust current.
(d) Underwater vortex suction.

5. How many of Them attack Dirk and Adrian?
(a) Five.
(b) Two.
(c) Ten.
(d) One.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Dirk finally break Delphi's facade of cool indifference?

2. Who is Summer?

3. What s the first indication that the Martha Ann is in danger at the beginning of Chapter 11?

4. What is Delphi's relationship to Frederick Moran?

5. What does Dirk discover on the bodies of two the men from the sea that he kills?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does LT Robert Buckmaster discover at the old Army installation, which supposedly belongs to Delphi that partially explains the entirely unexpected fierce resistance to Marine's invasion? How might this situation have come to be?

2. How do Summer's divided loyalties express themselves in their final moments in the doomed seamount as the missiles hit and the mountain begins to crumble?

3. There are three operations, with different codenames going on simultaneously in Chapter 16. What are their different codenames and objectives?

4. When Dirk discovers LCDR Boland has been stabbed with a spear, he decides the spear must come out. What is standard first aid procedure for puncture/impalement wounds and why and how does Dirk deviate from it?

5. How does LCDR Crowhaven's attitude change from his frame of mind on the plane, once he is within sight of the submarine and Dirk lets him know that this is where he [Dirk] gets off?

6. What is unexpected and distinctly suspicious about the fog that suddenly overwhelms the Martha Ann? What kinds of conditions are required to create fog?

7. How does Dirk reinforce his disregard for authority upon return from the Pacific Vortex with the crew of the Martha Ann?

8. It is evident that Seaman First Class Farris could never have been any help to Delphi's cause or mission, however, Delphi keeps him alive, in spite of admitting to Dirk that Farris is "a minor miscalculation." What might be some reasons for this?

9. How does LCDR Crowhaven get in touch with Pearl Harbor in spite of Delphi's lock on their radio transmissions? What is the code he uses to communicate with ADM Hunter over the open wires?

10. Why does Dirk flood the Starbuck's torpedo compartment?

(see the answer keys)

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