Pacific Vortex Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pacific Vortex Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is a "fo'c's'le"?
(a) It's a variant spelling of "foxhole," and means the crew's lounging area.
(b) It's a nautical term for any area of the ship where the enlisted crew go to get away from the officers.
(c) It's a space in the forward hull where extra anchor chain is kept.
(d) It is an abbreviation for "forecastle," or the forward deck of a ship.

2. Who does Dirk call first to report the incident with the gray van?
(a) ADM Sandecker.
(b) ADM Hunter.
(c) The Honolulu Police.
(d) Adrian Hunter.

3. How does Dirk carry Summer to the hotel?
(a) Cradled in his arms.
(b) On his back.
(c) Over his shoulder.
(d) Drags her by the arms.

4. Who is Dirk initially talking to in the bar at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel?
(a) Captain Orl Cinana.
(b) Commander Burdette Denver.
(c) Lieutenant Commander Paul Boland.
(d) Lieutenant Summer Moran.

5. According to CDR Dupree's log, which compartment in the sub is the only compartment breached?
(a) The captain's quarters.
(b) The aft missile cabin.
(c) The forward torpedo room.
(d) The reactor room.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Dirk argue that the Martha Ann's bevy of detection equipment may not keep her safe come nightfall?

2. What does Dirk start carrying before when he realizes the danger he has put himself in before reporting to Admiral Hunter?

3. What kind of car does Dirk drive?

4. What weather phenomenon features in both the reports of the Lillie Marlene and the Starbuck?

5. How long has it been since someone researched the sunken island at George Papaaloa's museum?

Short Essay Questions

1. Dirk describes a few incidents he has known in his work that "smacked of Jules Verne." Describe them and discuss Dirk's attitude towards "ghost catching."

2. Why is LT March so resistant to the idea of entering the submarine?

3. Why is the Starbuck's last reported position Top Secret information?

4. How does Cussler describe ADM Sandecker at the beginning of Chapter that makes him seem like a likely person to work with Dirk Pitt?

5. What is the Fullerton Fracture Zone? Does it actually exist?

6. Cussler also provides good information about shark behavior and risks. What is it?

7. Boland refers to himself as "the skipper" of the Martha Ann. What is a skipper?

8. Cussler gives a good description of rip tides after Dirk has swum out beyond the breakers at Kaena Point. Describe them, why they are dangerous and explain how best to swim through them if caught in one.

9. What is a seamount?

10. Dirk does not appreciate ADM Hunter's highhanded move to take control of his [Dirk's] life by having him detailed to his [ADM Hunter's] command. How is he "persuaded" into it?

(see the answer keys)

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