Pacific Vortex Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pacific Vortex Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What smell does Dirk suddenly recognize as the fog begins to envelop the Martha Ann?
(a) Eucalyptus.
(b) Smoke.
(c) Sulfur.
(d) Melting plastic.

2. What does SN Farris tell Dirk "They" will do if he uses the radio?
(a) Destroy the sub.
(b) Kill Dirk.
(c) Kill SN Farris.
(d) Learn how to use it from watching him.

3. Why is Dirk's and Al's mission time-critical?
(a) Because they will run out of air.
(b) Because Dirk is afraid Summer will be killed.
(c) Because Delphi may escape.
(d) Because the plan is to blow up the seamount and the end of the planned time, whether or not the rescue succeeds.

4. What does Dirk determine is the real cause of the school of fish detected by the Martha Ann's sensors?
(a) A deliberate hijacking of the sensor's signal.
(b) Men.
(c) A decoy to distract them from the boarding team.
(d) Sharks in a feeding frenzy.

5. Where is Delphi's transmitter that allows him to jam radio signals?
(a) On a sandbar 20 nautical miles northwest of Kauai.
(b) On the island of Maui at an abandoned Army installation.
(c) In downtown Honolulu, on top of a skyscraper.
(d) On Midway Island, in a remote corner of one of the uninhabited islands in the atoll.

6. Who is Henry Fujima?
(a) A friend of George Papaaloa.
(b) A Hawaiian fisherman who is run over by a ship in the beginning of Chapter 12.
(c) The doctor who takes charge of SN Farris back at Pearl Harbor.
(d) A Hawaiian historian who tells Dirk about tuna fishing in the Pacific.

7. What is the first visible evidence of the real nature of "Them?"
(a) The guard that Dirk kills turns out to be a normal human man.
(b) Dirk finds evidence of human habitation in the crew's quarters.
(c) Dirk sees a shadow outline of one which appears to have a tail and webbed feet.
(d) The man Dirk kills appears to have evolved gills.

8. What does Dirk discover on the bodies of two the men from the sea that he kills?
(a) A small plastic box adhered to their chests.
(b) Webbed hands and feet.
(c) Gills.
(d) Green skin and hair.

9. What is holding the Starbuck down?
(a) Lack of ballast.
(b) Chains Delphi used to anchor her.
(c) Seafloor suction.
(d) Lack of power.

10. What s the first indication that the Martha Ann is in danger at the beginning of Chapter 11?
(a) A continuous thumping sound coming from the bottom of the hull.
(b) A thick fog coming up from the ocean surface.
(c) Sudden change in sea state.
(d) Sudden radio silence.

11. How does Dirk finally break Delphi's facade of cool indifference?
(a) By pretending not to know Al.
(b) By calling him out as a phony.
(c) By insulting Summer.
(d) By refusing to acknowledge his own danger and physical suffering.

12. What is the Joint Chiefs' decision on what to do with the Starbuck?
(a) Return as soon as possible to restart the salvage expedition.
(b) Leave her where she is.
(c) Mangle her so that her missiles cannot be launched and then raise her later.
(d) Cover her with motion activated sensors so they can track the activity of Delphi and his men.

13. What kind of shark meets Al as he speeds towards the surface with Adrian?
(a) Mako.
(b) Great White.
(c) None.
(d) Hammerhead.

14. What does Roblemann invent?
(a) A prosthetic fin for human use.
(b) A combination gill-lung that surgically attached to a human's chest.
(c) An underwater pump system big enough for a seamount.
(d) A gene therapy that would allow humans to develop webbed hands and feet.

15. Which friend of her father's does Adrian admit to Dirk she has been sleeping with?
(a) ADM Sandecker.
(b) LCDR Boland.
(c) CAPT Cinana.
(d) CDR Denver.

Short Answer Questions

1. What makes the fog associated with the Pacific Vortex so odd?

2. Who does Dirk go in search of before taking off in the helicopter?

3. Dirk and Al leave the rescue team to salvage the Starbuck while they go to do what?

4. The Martha Ann has 20 feet of freeboard, making attack from the surface difficult according to LCDR Boland. What is freeboard?

5. Who wakes up Dirk after he reaches his hotel room and falls asleep after leaving the hospital?

(see the answer keys)

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